Problems downloading/installing for OS X

On the downloads page, the link to the OS X download gives a 404 not found. Downloading the Current Stable for the one suggested at the top of the page gives its own problems. (We are running Sierra 10.12.16) After installing, the main screen for RA comes up, but going to Load Core does not give the ability to download/install core. It only says: Directory not found. Start Remote RetroPad

Not sure if something is missing in the install or what’s happening. Could someone direct me where to download a full install of a version of RA that will work with my current OS? Thanks! Jeff

I think you’re supposed to use this one:

Yeah, it must have been the same file, we had the same problem.

Hmm, if that’s the same file that’s the first one listed under the old apple icon on the downloads page: Download (Intel), it had the same problems as the one we downloaded in the earlier post. Both were exactly 201MB with same file name, but we will give it a shot

Did you run it from the dmg before copying it to your HDD? If so, you need to find your retroarch.cfg (should be in /Users/???/Library/Application Support/RetroArch/config, which is a hidden location now, I think) and delete it (make sure RetroArch isn’t running when you do so).

Oh great that works! Sorry, new to apple here! One thing we were wondering about RA is, once the core is loaded, how do you fiddle with RA options? It seems to only give me options to mess with the core itself, and not things like Netplay or other RA things from its inherent menu.

In addition, the menu for the loaded core (in this case SNES9x current) has very limited options…no ability to configure the controls etc. Should we be trying a different core?

You should configure global RA option before loading a core. Change a setting, then restart RA.

After you load a core, you can bind the core-specific controls in the “Controls” section of the quick menu.

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I can+t change content. When I load a game it won’t change after. Anytime I load a content, close it, try load another rom it would always run the previous not the new content. Im on Mac OS Mojave.