Problems with player 2 controller

Im running retroarch in OpenElec 5.0 x86_64. I have no problem configuring the first player controller, but when it comes to player 2, I have this issue where as soon as the controller becomes active, it gets stuck moving left!

This is not only on my x86_64 build, but on my OpenElec RPi build as well, regardless of what controller I try to use as player 2 (I’ve tried 3 different types of controllers, all same).

Sometimes, when I attempt to bind keys in the retroarch menu, after binding player 2 keys, the problem begins, other times it waits until I start a game and click any bouton on p2 control.

I have to disconnect the controller and exit retroarch completely, and sometimes causes a freeze, where I have to completely reboot.

Anyone else having this problem, or is there a fix?