I want to use RetroArch as a media player to watch 60fps longplay videos of old games. The reason is simply the shaders. No other player lets me use CRT shaders like that so RetroArch is the only way.
However, as a player, it’s not very good. In most videos i get stutters every few seconds, which doesn’t happen with any other player i use like Kodi, VLC or Potplayer. But the weirdest bug happens with some NES longplay videos… instead of a 60fps video, it frameskips 1 frame ever one second, complete with fade-in/fade-out transition effects over each frame.
Is there any chance for the video player capabilities to ever improve or is it a last priority thing? Just the fact that you can use CRT shaders and overlays makes RetroArch a unique video player so i think it needs to be better/more compatible since there are no other alternatives.