Problems with Sixaxis Controller on Kitkat 4.4.2

Prior to upgrading to kitkat on my Samsung galaxy S4 retroarch worked great with my PS3 controller using Sixaxis Controller. Now that I have upgraded I am able to pair my controller, select/use it as an input device for the OS, and even the main menu in retroarch. But for some reason as soon as I launch any game the controller is completely unresponsive. I have tried configuring the input options from the setting screen while in the game and it does not recognize any of the buttons when pressed it just says unknown (btn) (key:x) next to all the buttons and dpad. When the controller is turned on or buttons are pressed it does say on the screen port 0: virtual in yellow, but then no other input is recognized from controller. I have set the input method to sixaxis controller in the input settings for retroarch. I have tried retroarch 0.9.6 and the new 1.0. I have also tried kitkat 4.4.1 in addition to the 4.4.2 I’m running now. I have even tried purchasing a different PS3 controller with no sucess. I am currently using the latest google play edition rom for my samsung galaxy S4 from … ?t=2341026 I have the deodexed version.

Any information or suggestions on how I might get this working again would be much appriciated. I’m very much looking forward to using the new N64 emulator.


The input thing is being looked into. In the meantime, the touch controls should work.

I tried the latest version of RetroArch (v1.0.0.1) and it is now working with the virtual controller.

In my case, I was having the same/similar issue using the BT Controller Lite app on my Nexus 4 while playing on the Nexus 7. The controller was working within RetroArch but not within any games. It would flash on the screen ‘Port 0: Virtual’.

All seems well now. Just wanted to share my experience since I was having a similar issue. Thanks!

Just thought I’d mention that using that same app and the latest RetroArch, analog controls do not work with the Mupen64Plus core, at least on my Galaxy S4 running Jellybean 4.2.2. Turning on debug logging shows that RetroArch does detect the sticks, and I can actually use them as if they were the dpad on almost all cores, but on games that use true analog, such as Mupen64Plus, it’s like the analog stick isn’t mapped at all, so I can’t, say, move Mario around in Mario 64.

I actually spent a great deal of time last night trying to fix the issue along with AndresSM on IRC. Nothing we did really got the analog controls working, despite the inputs clearly being detected. Disabling the IME and setting it as an Android gamepad seems like it has the best results, but still, analog refuses to work.