PSX Emulation on IPad Mini?

I really find this app great. I wonder if it is possible playing PSX games on IPad Mini smoothly? I have IPad Mini (Non-Jailbroken), and I tried playing Kula World, but it’s just slowed down to about 24-25 fps. Gameplay is really just in slow-motion. So I’m asking if I can change some settings to play the game properly.

Some extra info: I have 3 PSX cores to choose, but ReArmed doesn’t work for me (app crashes). Also I downloaded it from after watching one youtube tutorial. I tried emulating some NES games and it works nice so far.

It has something to do with my IPad processor or is it something else? Pleaseee help ASAP. =D

The iPad Mini has almost (if not exactly) the same internals as the iPad 2, and I had no problem playing PSX games on my iPad.

Im ‘guessing’ it has something to do with you not being jailbroken, the jailbroken version of RetroArch works perfectly.

Just jailbreak it

Like the person above said, jailbreak your device. Theres no reason not to when even the latest ios firmware can be jailbroken. Then install RA through cydia on the official repo source

A5 devices (iPhone 4s, ipad 2, non retina ipad mini, and iPod touch 5th gen) run the pcsx rearmed core really well. The reason why its slow for you is cuz youre not jailbroken and can’t use dynarec, which is only available on jailbroken devices and greatly boosts performance in emulators that use the feature.