PSX iso questions?

Hi, i have a couple questions about psx isos.

  1. Can isos be run compressed? I play these on Android, and would like to save as much storage space as possible.

  2. Where is a good source to find isos? EmuParadise is good, but some of the isos there require ecm/ape converting.

  1. Nope
  2. This is not a good place to ask

Could you please explain why they can’t be, in a little more detail?

Not a good place to ask? This forum is dedicated to a multi-emulator that runs said things, it doesn’t host isos. I don’t see any harm in discussion. I also do not see any sticky regarding it… if i have missed it, please drop the link.

There’s no sticky, but not discussing where to get rawmz is a rule as old as emulation+internets.

I don’t know if it’ll help you, but i use a script on linux to launch retroarch with compressed bin/cue (7zipped dump), it uses filename without extension as parameter :

#!/bin/bash DIR=${PWD} GAME="$1" cd /tmp 7z x -y “$DIR/$GAME.7z” retroarch -L /usr/lib/libretro/ “/tmp/$GAME.cue” OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$’ ’ fileArray=($(find /tmp -type f -name “$GAME*”)) IFS=$OLDIFS tLen=${#fileArray[@]} for (( i=0; i<${tLen}; i++ )); do rm “${fileArray[$i]}” done

I don’t know if there is any way to create such a script on android

I use Popstation GUI to compress my isos/bin into compressed eboots that can be loaded with PSX ReARMed. Just renamed the eboot to the game name.

According to this forum, I lose by default. Of all the forums I’ve visited over the years, this is the only one that finds pleasure in giving me a hard time over something so silly. I have never asked for direct links to anything, but thanks for the help.

Good suggestion… will look into that, thanks :slight_smile:

Sorry but asking for a place to find roms has always been considered bad in an emulation related community. Maybe we should have an sticky yeah but that doesn’t change that fact

I find what works best on Windows is to just use IMGBurn to rip BIN/CUE files from your PlayStaion discs. IMG/CCD files work, too, but it’s unnecessary in my book. Compressing them doesn’t save much space at all for me (typically no more than 10%), and changing them into EBOOT files just introduces opportunities for errors if you’re liberal with your compression settings.

Also, I always thought it was implied that talking about intent to engage in piracy anywhere that respected the law was a no-no.


Last time I used that to rip some PlayStation games the checksum of the resulting image never matched and it would not burn back to disc correctly. ISObuster worked better in that case. Anyone else had that issue?