I have been trying to run Amiga CD32 games in the Puae core.
I tested the cd image and the 2 romfiles in winuae on my pc, and it was booting fine. However i cant get it to boot in the Puae core (Retroarch Android). I only get the insert disc (Kickstart 3.1) screen like it’s not accepting the ext CD32 rom file.
I’m using this in the .uae config file.
kickstart_rom_file=/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/system/kickcd32.rom kickstart_ext_rom_file=/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/system/CD32ext.rom cdrom_image_0=/storage/emulated/0/uae/CD images/International Karate + (Europe).cue
Im not sure about the path for CDrom image and the ext. rom file. Can anyone lead me in the right direction?