Puae Mount CD image for Amiga CD32

Hello I have been trying to run Amiga CD32 games in the Puae core. I tested the cd image and the 2 romfiles in winuae on my pc, and it was booting fine. However i cant get it to boot in the Puae core (Retroarch Android). I only get the insert disc (Kickstart 3.1) screen like it’s not accepting the ext CD32 rom file.
I’m using this in the .uae config file.

kickstart_rom_file=/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/system/kickcd32.rom kickstart_ext_rom_file=/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/system/CD32ext.rom cdrom_image_0=/storage/emulated/0/uae/CD images/International Karate + (Europe).cue

Im not sure about the path for CDrom image and the ext. rom file. Can anyone lead me in the right direction?

OK I got it to boot in CD32 mode. I forgot to put the ext rom file in the original sytems folder also. DOH I can get it to load a cd image now, if I use the disk tool in the menu. So now i just need to figure out the right text in the path line for the CD image. So it automatically boot the cd

It’s working now. :slight_smile:

kickstart_rom_file=/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/system/kickcd32.rom kickstart_ext_rom_file=/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.retroarch/files/system/CD32ext.rom cdimage0=/storage/emulated/0/uae/CD images/International Karate + (Europe).cue,image


I wasn’t aware PUAE was running Amiga CD32 at all!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Just wanted to say thank you for posting this. I don’t know if it will carry over to windows, but I spent forever tracking down a full set of these games and I’ve not been able to ever run them. Very exciting stuff, and I appreciate you sharing!

You are welcome.

Puae core has come a long way lately. And in my opinion the best way to emulate the Amiga system on Android.

Let me know if you need help

Hi. Are those kickstarts and CD image paths everything what your UAE file consist? Can you put here everthing from one of your working CD32 uae? I followed your instructions and the result is an screen with AROS and message: No bootable media. Retroarch does not take any ISO or CUE. Before I had the same results what you received: kickstart 3.1 screen.

All my cd32 isos work on PC Windows retroarch PUAE. I cannot reach the succes on Android PUAE. On Android UAE4ARM emulator those isos are working as well.

Hassling with .uae confs has not been required for a long time. Just put the correct Kickstarts in system and launch the CD image.

I figured out what is a reason of my problem. On my devices puae cd32 core does not work on retroarch plus. On standard retroarch everything is ok. Thanks.