Px68k core scrolling

Is there a way to get the px68k core to scroll smoothly? I heard the x68000 has a refresh rate of 55 HZ. I’m playing it on my 60hz phone but I know retroarch is capable of covering a 17% deviation in refresh rate using a timing skew value of 0.17 plus dynamic rate control. In akumajoa Dracula, the scrolling is kind of wavy and inconsistent unlike the real hardware. I have a Snapdragon 435 CPU running at 1.4 GHz and the snes9x / Sega Genesis GX cores have perfect smooth scrolling.

Been ages since I tried it, but some games can be set to 15 Khz mode, which should also set the refresh rate to 60 Hz. I don’t know if the RA core replicates that, and many games do set it via a X68K specific key (HELP) which I didn’t manage to get working the last time I was tinkering with it. Otherwise, you’d have to look into options to try to change refresh from the hardware side I guess.

Well I’ll try to research it more and try to get what you said working. Thanks!