This is one of my favorite Neo Geo shooters, but it the worse emulated game in the entire library of neo geo. I read that initially, when it was first emulated, it had a slowdown bug, where sound would be ok, but the video would crawl like a turle at 15 fps. They eventually fixed it in FBA, but i tried it in both FBA .30 core and FBA .38 core (latest for android?) and both have that slowdown bug that was supposed to be fixed a long time ago (sound ok, video turtle). Mame cores (2010, 2014, 2016) are indeed bug free, but this one Neo Geo game seems to need more CPU power in Mame than freacking CPS3 games, which makes it unplayable once the bullet hell starts.
Mame4 droid plays the game very well, with no hacks, Fba4Droid (only one specific revision of the emu though) plays it ok (though that emu has other issues) but i’dv really wanted to have it in Retroarch FBA, 'cose it’s really my favorite emu on android
So, what’s the story, is there something wrong with that game in recent FBA revisions …?