[Question] Your Best Cores

I know asking what the best cores are would be a stupid question to ask as they all have their pros and cons. However what I want to ask is what are the best cores in your opinion. Which cores have you had the best luck with in terms of speed and accuracy?

Specifically I’m interested in cores for the following systems:

NES SNES GB and GBC GBA Lynx Neogeo Pocket Colour NeoGeo Genesis/Mega Drive N64 PSP Atari 2600, 5200 and 7800 Game Gear PlayStation 1 MAME

There are several cores for most of those and I’m not sure which cores to try.

  • Nestopia
  • Snes9x
  • Gambatte
  • Mednafen NGP
  • GenplusGX
  • Mupen
  • GenplusGX
  • Mednafen PSX on PC / PCSX rearmed
  • The latest MAME we have for your platform

Nestopia Snes9x mGBA GenesisPlusGX PcsxReARMed

Best performance on Android

N64 and PSP are unplayable within retroarch. Stick to Mupen64Plus-AE alpha 21 from paulscode.com for N64.

-Hatari -puae -frodo -The latest mame

  • Mame2010


You have a running frodo core?


You have a running frodo core?[/QUOTE]

of course , don’t you?

More seriously , It’s a debug version , so don’t expect to much.

Actually I do now - 5 minutes after seeing your post I rushed to your repo and started hacking :slight_smile:

Been hoping for a C64 core for a long time, looking forward to your updates on it.

C64 Core will be very nice !!!

[QUOTE=r-type;29292]of course , don’t you?

More seriously , It’s a debug version , so don’t expect to much.


HIi r-type :wink: …any clue for the lastest MAME2015 Git/MESS2015 Git run the CHD image on android devices,eg. NeoGeoCD CHD

I can run MESS core with a’can,supervision,pokemini perfectly even for gp32 and tiger game.com,but I can’t run any CHD with MESS/MAME/UME core…there is no NGCD emulator on android for a long time :frowning:

NES - Nestopia SNES - Snes9x & Snes9x Next GB/GBC - Gambatte GBA - VBA Next GEN - GenesisPlusGX N64 - I prefer the standalone ‘Mupen64plus AE’ app from the Google Play Store PS1 - PCSX Rearmed