I have a few questions:
How can I get the certain config files made and saved to automatically come up when corresponding core is loaded? For example If I have a config for Lynx (Handy_android.cfg or whatever it makes) loaded but then switch to Picodrive core it still has the handy config loaded. I then need to manually go through menus to load the picodrive.cfg. It is a lot of extra steps and faffing about. Can I have it so cores will have their own configs and autoload them?
Can each core have it’s own ROM directory come up automatically when core is loaded?
When I load a core I get this annoying on screen controls overlay every time even though device has physical controller connected. I need to hit the keyboard icon every time, then hit the icon that looks like a controller. Is there a way to set it to not get this overlay and just use the physical controller as default?
Where are cores saved? I would like to backup cores that I like and work well on my particular device/android version. Using online updater is not always practical (no connection) and the new version I get may not work well with my setup. I would like the option to keep what works well for me.
How can unwanted cores be removed after loading? I tried a few and they didn’t work well so I want to nix them.
Would it be possible to get a stand alone version of each emu? As in if I just want Picodrive just an icon for picodrive and that is it for example. That would solve alot of the above issues.