Questions? (Pertaining to updates)

Hello everyone i just have a couple questions that im kinda… Confused on about updating would greatly appreciate it if they could be answered this is pertaining to Retroarch 1.3

  1. When downloading a core from Online Updater say there has been an update a few days later for the core how exactly do i update? (a) do i go to the site and manually download the core and overwrite? (b) do i just just install it again the same way via online updater and it pulls the most recent from nightly?

  2. “Update Assets” What exactly does this do? I Originally thought it updated the exes and the cores you had installed?

  3. Is there a Update Cores option hidden anywhere that will auto pull all cores you have installed?

  4. A Updated core im assuming is a more compaitable improved “emulator” is that correct?

1.) yeah, just pull it from the updater. You can manually download and overwrite if you want but there aren’t many good reasons for doing so. 2.) it updates the assets used by the menus for pretty background pics, etc. 3.) no. That would be very expensive for us if everyone was constantly updating everything. We’re trying to figure out a good compromise there but in the meantime just pull what you need when you need it. 4.) sometimes. More often, it’s represents a change that we’ve made somewhere for some platform that likely won’t really show any difference to you. I only update when there’s a specific thing I know I need/want that’s been added or for testing purposes. If you run into strange behavior or something doesn’t work, try updating, but as long as everything is working properly, there’s not much to be gained by always updating.

[QUOTE=hunterk;35158]1.) yeah, just pull it from the updater. You can manually download and overwrite if you want but there aren’t many good reasons for doing so. 2.) it updates the assets used by the menus for pretty background pics, etc. 3.) no. That would be very expensive for us if everyone was constantly updating everything. We’re trying to figure out a good compromise there but in the meantime just pull what you need when you need it. 4.) sometimes. More often, it’s represents a change that we’ve made somewhere for some platform that likely won’t really show any difference to you. I only update when there’s a specific thing I know I need/want that’s been added or for testing purposes. If you run into strange behavior or something doesn’t work, try updating, but as long as everything is working properly, there’s not much to be gained by always updating.[/QUOTE]

Thank you very much hunterk! I forgot to add something to (4) is there anywhere I can read or see core update change logs?

Thank you very much hunter I forgot to add something to (4) is there any where I can see or read updated cores change logs?

Thank you very much hunterk I forgot to add something to (4) there any where I can read the change log to updated cores?

We don’t have any changelogs but you can peek at the commit logs on the github repo for each core. Most of what you’ll see is “buildfix for $platform,” “added $platform target to makefile” and stuff like that, but occasionally you’ll see “merge $something from upstream” or “merge PR to fix $whatever” and those are the ones you might actually want to update for.