Questions regarding multiple configs, multiple drives, and controller mapping

I’m only a few weeks into playing with RetroaArch. At first I wasn’t sure why anyone would sacrifice native emulator options for an all-in-one solution, but now I understand how much you can do with this beast!

Anyway I have three different questions:

First, I’m struggling with having too many different config files. I use different controller settings and different shaders for each system, and I even have multiple configs for some cores depending on what systems it supports. I’ve gone mad trying to keep them straight, and have resorted to renaming config files and launching them using the command line when running games. But this defeats the purpose of RetroArch in a lot of ways, since it removes the ability to just sit back and play. And sometimes they get overwritten if I am testing new shaders, and I lose my settings anyway. Any tips from more experienced users for handling multiple config files and multiple configs per core?

Second, I have a large collection of games, and it’s spread across two 4tb drives. If I want to access files on another drive, the only way I have found to do it is to go into Settings > Directory > File Browser Dir and change it to a different drive letter, then go back and load a game. Is there an easier way?

Last, it seems that the input mapping for using the GUI is dependent on the core that is loaded. So depending on what system I am about to play or what system I just played, I have to hit different buttons to navigate around the program. Is there any way around this?


For most of the mapping issues you can use the core input remapping from the quick menu instead of doing a true remap from the input settings menu. This will avoid messing up your controls in the menus and will reduce the number of config issues you’ll run into.

For the 2 drives, you can use symlinks.

Thanks for the info. I found that not adding anything to File Browser Dir just gives me access to all my drives - easiest solution.

Regarding shaders, is it possible to specify one via CLI when loading a game, or can that only be done through .cfg files?

Basically, what’s the easiest way to have a default shader for most systems, but to override from the command line when needed?

Config overrides are the best solution imho

Disclaimer: Biased, I implemented the system

Thanks I’ll give it a try. But I’m not seeing how it can help when one core emulates multiple systems, like gambette for instance. Don’t want the same shader for GB as I do for GBC.

Thought of a small work-around: you can make a copy of the gambatte dll in your core folder, call it gambatte_color or anything, edit the info file to display “Gambatte Color” in retroarch core lists. Then do you config for this one with a different shader, folder, whatever…

Great idea Tatsuya79, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks!

For now I am just using --appendconfig, and I have small config files that just specify shaders (color lcd, monochrome lcd, crt, etc). Then I tell my frontend which .cfg to use when loading a system. Seems to be working OK.

I can’t for the life of me get per-core input mapping to work from the quick menu. But all those problems will go away when I finally receive my Blissbox and I can hot-swap all my original controllers :smiley:

I had some issues with remap files too. I fixed that by using settings->configuration->“load remap files automatically” and just using “save core remap file” in the remap menu.

Is it possible to create remaps from the quick menu, or do I need to edit the .rmp files?

Do some cores not even support remapping? I don’t see options in bsnes.

Uh… did you read my post? You’re acutally supposed to use the GUI to create core/game remaps Yeah some don’t…