RA freezes when i use the "Restart" function on N64 games

  • OS: Windows 10
  • RA version: 1.19.1
  • Core: Mupen64plus-Next + Parallel RDP for graphics.
  • CPU: i5 4670
  • GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060

Games work normally until i press “Restart” from the Quick menu. Then RA just freezes on a black screen with the UI message “Reset” stuck at the bottom left of the screen. This happens with all N64 games.

Log file doesn’t produce anything.

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Can confirm this also happens on Linux. Same configuration: Mupen64plus-Next + Parallel, vulkan video driver. Logs aren’t helpful, either. As soon as I hit reset, RetroArch crashes (window stuck) providing no error message and only the following lines on the log:

[INFO] [Core]: Reset.
[INFO] [Vulkan filter chain]: Updating framebuffer size 1x1 (format: 37).

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