RA not working after Android 5.0 Lollipop system update

I installed Android 5.0 Lollipop system update yesterday on my Nexus 4 and when I went to play my favorite game, Final Fantasy Tactics, the PCSX ReARMed core wouldn’t load. I also tried the Mednafen PSX core without success.

I tried reinstalling RA completely and I still get the same problem.

Is there a log file or something somewhere so I can’t try to find and error message? All I have right now is just RA going back to the main menu after failing to launch.

Thank you

You should be able to use an external logcat program to see the crash error(s).

I installed ADB and that’s what I got from logcat when it’s failing, hope someone can make sense of this gibberish: I/RetroArch: ( 7808): Version of libretro API: 1

I/RetroArch: ( 7808): Compiled against API: 1

I/PCSX ( 7808): Starting PCSX-ReARMed r15-369-g1b88529

I/PCSX ( 7808): Running PCSX Version 1.9 (Mar 9 2014).

I/PCSX ( 7808): psxMap: warning: wanted to map @1f800000, got 0xa42cf000

I/PCSX ( 7808): psxMap: warning: wanted to map @1fc00000, got 0xa425f000

I/PCSX ( 7808): psxMap: warning: wanted to map @a4400000, got 0xa425f000

I/PCSX ( 7808): Error allocating memory!

I/PCSX ( 7808): PSX emulator couldn’t be initialized.

I/PCSX ( 7808): PCSX init failed.

I/WindowState( 564): WIN DEATH: Window{64450d5 u0 com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.mainmenu.MainMenuActivity}

W/InputDispatcher( 564): channel ‘a81b1a8 com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture (server)’ ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred. events=0x9

E/InputDispatcher( 564): channel ‘a81b1a8 com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture (server)’ ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!

I/WindowState( 564): WIN DEATH: Window{a81b1a8 u0 com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture}

W/InputDispatcher( 564): Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel ‘a81b1a8 com.retroarch/com.retroarch.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture (server)’

I/Zygote ( 196): Process 7808 exited cleanly (1)

I/ActivityManager( 564): Process com.retroarch (pid 7808) has died

W/ActivityManager( 564): Force removing ActivityRecord{1fa2c1b6 u0 com.retroarch/.browser.retroactivity.RetroActivityFuture t132}: app died, no saved state

I/ActivityManager( 564): Start proc com.retroarch for activity com.retroarch/.browser.mainmenu.MainMenuActivity: pid=7855 uid=10147 gids={50147, 9997, 1028, 1015, 3003} abi=armeabi-v7a

Could it be an option that I need to disable?

Thank you

Does it work with any other cores? It looks like it’s having an issue getting the RAM it wants.

Mednafen PSX also fails, but it looks like it’s not RAM related: I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Version of libretro API: 1

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Compiled against API: 1

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ GET_LOG_INTERFACE.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: “/storage/emulated/0/roms/”.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ SAVE_DIRECTORY: “”.

I/RetroArch [WARN] :: [libretro WARN] :: ( 5422): Save directory is not defined. Fallback on using SYSTEM directory …

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ SET_DISK_CONTROL_INTERFACE.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 3.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): ROM loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: XRGB8888.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ GET_OVERSCAN: 0

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ GET_VARIABLE psx_enable_dual_analog_type:

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): disabled

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ GET_VARIABLE psx_fastboot:

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): disabled

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ GET_VARIABLE psx_enable_multitap_port1:

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): disabled

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ GET_VARIABLE psx_enable_multitap_port2:

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): disabled

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Environ GET_RUMBLE_INTERFACE.

I/RetroArch: [libretro INFO] :: ( 5422): Rumble interface supported!

I/RetroArch [ERROR] :: ( 5422): Failed to load game.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): Monitor FPS estimation is disabled for threaded video.

I/RetroArch: [libretro INFO] :: ( 5422): [Mednafen PSX]: Samples / Frame: nan

I/RetroArch: [libretro INFO] :: ( 5422): [Mednafen PSX]: Estimated FPS: nan

I/RetroArch [ERROR] :: ( 5422): rarch_main_init_wrap() failed.

I/RetroArch: ( 5422): GL VSync => on

But I’m not sure Mednafen PSX ever worked since I always used PCSX-ReARMed…

Yeah, that’s probably a BIOS issue (mednafen-psx is very picky). Try something simple, like NES/SNES/Genesis.

I just tried Genesis with Road Rash 3 (sorry, had to say it) and it’s working fine. It would appear to be a specific problem with PCSX ReARMed core not being able to get memory allocation…

Ok, I’ve got a friend who just upgraded, so I’ll ask him to reproduce.

Any news from your friend? I’m curious to know if the problem is on every Nexus 4 with Lollipop or only my phone.

Got the same problem on my HTC One on Android 5.0

Just had my friend try from the Play store on his Lollipop Nexus 7 and he was able to load up an NES game with no problems.

NES,SNES,N64,Arcade, etc. works fine for me.

But Genesis and PSX are broken?

Genesis works PSX doesn’t. Using lordashram’s latest compiled build

Exactly, It’s PCSX ReARMed that doesn’t work anymore…

Is it working?

edit - I was wrong…

PCSX ReARMed is broken for me too on lollipop.

I’m also having issues with saving due to the permissions restrictions in lollipop. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be an exploit root yet. I don’t really want to have to wipe my device just to be able to save my game again…

I tried using the buildbot repo to build the apk, but it didn’t seem to want to work for me. Just got lots of errors when checking out the git repos. :frowning: