Real controller with adapter, or usb controller?


I’m currently working on a dedicated retroarch box, and I’m wondering wich controllers I will use. For now I’m using xbox 360 controllers, but I would prefer to use dedicated controlers for each kind of emulated consoles. I already have controllers for about everything from atari2600 to dreamcast.

So my first choice would be using these “real” original controlers, with some kind of USB adapter/converter. But I don’t know if it will be as good (responsive, especially) as a proper USB controller (like these megadrive ,nes, or snes usb clone joypads), or if it will suffer of lag, configuration problems, etc…

What I would like to know if if I should buy adapters (and advises on choice would be also appreciated) and use my original controllers, or if I should buy directly some “retro style” usb controllers.

thank you for your help.

I think 360/PS3 controllers are best, since they map easily to the retropad and you don’t have to do any weird stuff with config files to have all of the individual pads plugged in at once, etc. If you decide to go with an adapter, the thing mentioned in this other thread might be of interest:


I’ve got a 360 controller but I simply don’t like it for classic consoles gaming. that’s why I’d like to use an original controller, or at worst, a USB version of it (but I would prefer to use the original with an adapter). To be honest, I would also prefer some advises on existing products instead of crowdfunding projects :wink:

A Wii U Pro controller + this Mayflash adapter is a pretty great option. It’s practically an SNES pad plus dual analogs and digital triggers. I just wish the Dpad was less stiff. It’s precise, but a bit hard on my thumb after awhile. I tend to use analog Dpad mode to avoid that even though I lose some precision.

thanks for the help,

I probably didn’t explained correctly my problem (english is not my native language), but I already own a lot of “vintage” controllers, all in greate shape : atari 2600 and 7800, megadrive, nes, snes, n64, etc…

What I would like to know is if an usb adapter for this kind of old controller works at least as good as a good USB replica/clone (nes, snes, etc…) controller :

lag and response comparison easy or difficult configuration etc…

and if these adapters are any good, advises on the best ones.

thanks ! seems like your best bet.

I use the various Mayflash adapters since I also prefer to use the original controllers when possible (N64, Gamecube, Wii, Sega consoles, etc) and they all work great. Check out their site

As BarbuDreadMon said, hope the Bliss-Box kickstarter project sees the light of day. It is pretty much the most complete controller adapter solution I’ve seen so far.

Sure you can use mayflash adapter, i have some and they work great (well, i say they work great but at first i had a lot of issues to get my retroarch linux setup working with autoconfig and different adapters, including the writing of a patch for my linux kernel), but if this bliss-box comes out, it is worth 400+ usd of mayflash adapters.

I run Windows (8.1 x64 and now running the Windows 10 preview builds) so I have had no configuration issues. The Blissbox does look promising for sure, though. I still can’t get Retroarch configured to work happily with my N64 controllers but they work fine in Project64 so all the Nintendo systems are well-covered. I just use a wireless 360 controller for NES and SNES to reduce clutter.