Ok maybe the issue is in .gdi vs .cdi— I downloaded the given content from “online update” content downloader dreamcast etc…
i download “240pPVR.cdi” and “ControllerTest.cdi” to see if anything helps.
I know for sure that the md5 for bios files(both for reicast and the other one) line up and they go into
as opposed to -----system/dc---- which is the other directory that i can boot up from hard drive that has lakka installed… That is already allitle confusing but god bless…
this is outlined in http://www.lakka.tv/doc/Dreamcast/
Now the proper format seems to allude me…
The games definitely work at whatever capacity as they seem to boot up in multiple other frontends/ emulators as stated before…
the files seem to be in .gdi / .bin ------ no cue files.
it seems maybe .cdi would work better??
What is the file format that people are playing these games on. Im not a total airhead I know alittle bit about the jargon and what is going on. I just cant seem to find the proper information on how the format should be laid out…
is there anyone else running dreamcast on lakka 2.2??