Relative dpad for touchscreens?

Is there any kind of overlay and/or any other kind of option that allows for directional inputs to be relative as opposed to absolute on touchscreens?

Where you touch somewhere and then drag your finger from there to make the direction? i.e., where the first touch is recognized as the center and then wherever you press after that is relative to the center?

If so, no, it’s something we’ve talked about but never implemented.

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Yup, that’s exactly it.

I have no idea how feasible such a feature would be, but if possible, it’d be a great addition. I was playing Metal Slug 5 a few hours ago and noticed that having absolute touch controls on such a game, where you need to aim up and down all the time, makes this action a bit cumbersome.

Having a bigger dpad (such as the Genesis overlay) makes it a bit easier though.