[Request] Immersive mode for Android (Auto-Hide Buttons)

https://developer.android.com/training/ … rsive.html

Can we please get immersive mode for Android? I hate having the on screen buttons. It’s been my most wanted feature for a while and I think anyone with a device that uses on screen buttons would agree…

Thanks and keep up the good work!!

I don’t know if you are rooted or not but if you are check out xposed framework. it has a module that allows you to force immersive mode on any app. I use it with retroarch and it works great.

Thanks…Right now I use [GMD AutoHide Buttons] but I’ll checkout using the xposed framework

Anyone know if this will be implemented at some point? Or even having the navigation controls turn into the faint little dots like they do in some video players? The buttons are kind of annoying to look at when you know they could be hidden.

Looks like it was implemented back in March: https://github.com/libretro/RetroArch/c … c496321c2c

I haven’t tested it, myself, though.

Cool. Thanks! I would assume that will make the next release then since the Google Play version was updated on March 9th and doesn’t have it enabled.

You might check out some of the nightlies that are getting passed around and see if it works there.

I can confirm that immersion mode is indeed implemented and working in the current code base.

Ah, sweet. Thanks for the confirmation :slight_smile: