Resolution staying in super resolution on exit

Notification text works on a completely different system than the menu driver, meaning that it has its own settings. You can find those in the menu Settings | Onscreen Display | Onscreen Notifications. The catch is… that’ll let you change font and size, but not the aspect ratio, so you’ll have to find some font that’s stretched waaaaaaay out horizontally (800% width!) or… um…

Yeah, that’s about it. As a temporary workaround, I could probably hack together an ultra-wide version of one of my bitmap-style fonts (like for example) if that sounds appealing.

Sadly, I have no clue what it’d take to alter the notification display code to take aspect ratio into account, and that would be the real fix.

I think the fix would be to query the aspect ratio and multiply the OSD font by that same calculation.

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Hello there, my first post on this forum… yaaay! :smiley:

I have exactly the same issue as OP. after running Retroarch and exiting by Escape key, my desktop resolution stays in 2560x240 or something like that. Everything is distorted.

Im using CRTemudriver and my PC is connected to Sony CRT TV via RGB scart cable. My default desktop resolution is 720x576@50Hz


It is down to you desktop resolution. RA only detects you current resolution but not the hz. In the guide. It should state to use 704x480@60. as retroarch will try to switch back to 60hz res.

I guess there may still be another bug here, however, I had a few testers during the windows build and all worked fine with exit resolution once it was incorporated. I have not looked back at the windows code for a long while. Since it was done I’ve worked on the Linux and Raspberry Pi port.

I’ll have a quick look over the code to see if something is off.

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It isn’t only down to desktop resolution as I set it to 704x480@60hz like you advise and it still doesn’t switch back, yes something is definitely off - It is the only emulator which is doing this

I have windows 7 64bit home basic with direct x 11 (and directx9 also installed) if that’s any help. Also could I generate a log file? And send you

Thank you Alphanu for the reply! I have switched to 60Hz desktop and Retroarch is now working fine.

Should you need betatesting this, I would be glad to betatest Retroarch on my setup.

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Generating a log will help.

I have just submitted a PR which fixes the refresh detection. It should now switch back to any refresh and resolution now.

It is tested and working on windows 10.

You’ll have to wait until it is merged and then download the nightly build.


How do I generate a log. Is it automatic or where is the setting to do it? Thanks

Run Retroarch from a command windows (CMD) navigate to the Retroarch folder, which will be something like c:\program files\retroarch\ then run retroarch.exe --log-file ralog.txt -v

@hunterk is this the correct way to generate a log file?

Also the PR is merged so if you download the next nightly it should work.

Next nightly as in tomorrow morning will be available? Thanks

Yeah, I’m not sure what time they run them. Morning should be fine though.

uploaded 2 logs. 1 in my 50hz resolution and one in 704x480@60, thanks

Fixed now on the latest nightly!! Great work mate.

Could you have a look at the OSD text so that the ratio matches the screen? Thanks great work :+1::smile:

Could you give me a starting point for the OSD aspect please man.

I’ll see what I can do!

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In super resolutions 2560x224 etc the OSD text at bottom is hardly legible as it is not stretched to the ratio of the rest of the screen, so is vertically elongated and horizontally squished, shall I take a photo?

EDIT: I was wrong.

You need to look in that same directory, but it’s freetype.c and/or stb.c that need the changes:

typically freetype for linux and stb-unicode for Windows.

Hey guys, I am having the same problem on windows 7. I tried both the latest nightly and latest stable builds and nothing changed. AMD 6450. I tried the odd 704x480@60i desktop resolution, 640x480@60i, and having no desktop resolution in modelines but manually setting it to 640x480@30i using arcadeosd. None of this works. If I load a game and then exit retroarch by hitting esc it stays stuck in the last super resolution set. If I load a game and then load another game (doesn’t matter if it’s the same core or region or not) without closing the first game first with “close content” it will also run that game with the last super resolution set. Before my issue was that the desktop resolution was being loaded when running another game without closing content, but here we are.

Ah, I wasn’t able to fix my issue, but I did realize it is only happening with PAL games. As long as the refresh rate of your desktop resolution and the refresh rate of the game you exit from are the same it seems to work so far. Pal games are still broken, so I just won’t play any of them at their correct resolution which is fine because I am trying to set this up primarily for use with an NTSC consumer set anyhow. I’ll just remove my pal modelines and use an NTSC consumer set profile with VMmaker