Resolution staying in super resolution on exit

Hello all

I am using RetroArch with the CRT resolution switch and super resolutions width 2560 and after running a game (specifically in genplus gx) and exiting back to GUI (pressing 1) the GUI is unusable as it stays in 2560x224 /240 and also when exiting RetroArch completely the desktop stays in 2560x /240 and doesn’t switch back to what it was before you ran RetroArch. Please can someone help me fix this

Thank you all

I think @alphanu would be the one to ask about that.

When you exit retroarch, are you using the ‘quit’ option in the menu?

I’ve aleady said that it stays in super resolution when I exit the game and cannot even see what the hell is going on in the gui, so how do you expect me to navigate to the quit key if I can’t read anything. The text is absolutely massive. And how I exit is beyond the point as I want the GUI to go back to its original resolution before it ran the game so I can see what I’m doing. And then if it did that then it would exit in the right resolution too!!

Lose the attitude or get banned.

How you exit is not beyond the point because RetroArch does a lot of cleanup when you exit through the ‘quit’ option that doesn’t happen if you just kill the process. I don’t know if this is one of those things or not.

Anyway, good luck fixing your problem. I’m done with you.

I ALREADY WROTE “the GUI is unusable” in the first post. Which means I would not be able to navigate to the EXIT BUTTON WOULD I?

and secondly I obviously want the GUI to be usable when I exit the game don’t I!? So what has clearing up settings “after exiting” got to do with anything if I can’t use the GUI!!!

When exiting back to the GUI, the resolution should switch back to what it was before launching the game! Pretty basic and logical!

People should learn to read and think and try to actually help! Rather than absolutely nonsense replies!! Why don’t you provide some intelligent responses to the problems that exist!! People just want something that works properly. You probably have no idea how to fix the problem anyway

@filevans Firstly what @hunterk said about clean up is exactly right. When RetroArch exits it will run the switch Resolution code one last time.

You need to use RGUI as @anon24419061 said to be able to see the menu.

The most important thing will be having all the correct resolutions installed.

Are you using Windows or Linux?

Windows. I have all the resolutions. GUI works fine when I enter RetroArch, game launches fine through genplus gx and switches to 224p (2560x224 I think) Just when exiting game back to GUI using F1 it stays in super resolution 2560x224 and I can’t use the GUI then (text almost as big as screen, overlapping) Is default not set to RGUI and just “GUI” in RetroArch.cfg? If so I will change that thank you for your suggestion

Surely the cleanup code should run and switch back to original resolution when exiting game back to GUI not when exiting the emulator. As the GUI needs to be legible.

There may still be a restore resolution bug. If you can install your desktop resolution in both 50hz and 60hz does that fix the restore resolution?

On first load of the GUI and consecutive loads of the GUI it will switch to 2560x240p this is to keep the super resolution active and speedup switching

my desktop is in 50hz, I can’t add a 60hz alternative because it will be too many lines vertically for NTSC / 60hz as it’s about 730 pixels which i need to get the height on windows. What about if I set a specific resolution for the GUI instead of it using the desktop resolution, maybe that will resolve?

@filvens the hz is the issue for you. I believe RetroArch will only exit to 60hz currently. This is due to not detecting the correct current refresh.

You should be able to install 704X480@60hz as your desktop resolution.

I will add this bug to my todo list.

Thanks. Can I just set a custom RGUI resolution for now? Like in the Wii version it is possible

I think you can but that may only work for the first boot or even override the CRT Switch driver.

Unfortunately the best option for now will be to have a 60hz desktop resolution.

Can I set a key for the quit option (instead of using escape key) as that would clean up settings and switch the resolution back, and then I could run from command line without changing my desktop resolution and use my chosen key to exit RetroArch? and everything will revert back properly that way. Or another idea, could I set the RetroArch.exe to use 640x480 in compatibility tab? that would also save me changing my desktop

You have to allow Retroarch to switch your desktop resolution for this to work properly I think forcing 640x480 through windows will break this. As long as you quit through the retroarch gui or an exit hotkey then you will have your desktop return to normal afterwards and assuming your menu driver is ‘RGUI’ now your menus should all be perfectly readable at any resolution Retroarch sets it to.

@Alphanu They are not the first user I’ve seen encounter this problem with not knowing about RGUI. In the interest of avoiding repeatedly explaining this issue it might be a good idea to have the CRT Switch Res option automatically change the menu driver to RGUI on activation would it not? Is there any reason to use a different menu driver with the option on?

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I can’t find any setting in RetroArch.cfg that say enable or use RGUI nor anything similar?

Sorry found it now, menu driver (thanks to last post)

Where can I set my RGUI menu resolution? As I can’t read things properly as the whole menu is appearing as a narrow letter box on the screen whether in window or full screen, like this:

I can’t view your image from my work network but I’m guessing your aspect ratio setting might be incorrect. When CRT Switch Res is enabled you need your aspect ratio setting to be anything other than the “custom” or “config” option as per this quote from @Alphanu in the original thread about this feature

Change your aspect ratio to 1:1 or core provided. // It can be anything really except config or custom. turn off Integer scaling. // This needs to be turned off as I i am sending floats for aspect correction.

The only ratio that worked for me was custom and I was able to make the screen fill up, the rest of the ratios stayed like a narrow letter box Thanks for the tip in the right direction

OK I made my desktop 704x480 @ 60 and ran RetroArch, the only aspect ratio that would make RGUI fill the screen was custom, everything else made a thin letter box (but then the games displayed wrong in a thin part of the screen) So I put integer scaling ON - then most aspect ratios filled up the screen, so I chose 1:1 - then the games ran perfectly as they did before…

I then exited the game with F1, pressed backspace and then selected “Exit RetroArch” like you said, and still my desktop stayed in 2560x224 (last ran mega drive game resolution) So still have the same problem, and I followed all of your suggestions

Try making sure that in your .cfg file that you have full screen width and height values just set to something like 0 since retroarch will be automatically choosing screen resolutions having a number assigned to those values might be interfering with returning your desktop. Also try making sure that your CRT is assigned to be your active “primary monitor” in windows, that’s the only way this works for me.

Checked that, I only have one monitor connected (CRT TV) I’m not doing dual monitor display. Display says: 1. Generic non-pnp monitor

Video full screen and window x,y are already set to “0”, video monitor index 0

The only settings I changed from the default config was enable CRT resolution, disable bilinear filtering, and I had to enable integar scaling otherwise my RGUI would be in a narrow letter box. That’s all I’ve changed

Which version of RetroArch are you using exactly I could also try that please. I have version 1.7.3

Just tried the latest nightly and doesn’t switch back to desktop resolution upon exit either. One difference with this version though it switches to a super resolution in RGUI as soon as you start RetroArch which I like better, looks crisper (like Wii double strike mode)

@Alphanu is it possible to make the info / notifications text at bottom of screen a small legible font? As in super resolution it is vertically elongated and hard to read. Thanks a lot