Resolution switching per core, am I missing something?

I’ve seen this mentioned as a feature in RA before, the ability to set a per-core fullscreen resolution, but I can’t get it to work.

I’m using a CRT TV as my display, I have some 15khz 240p/224p modelines put together that look great but so far I have been having to manually switch the display to the appropriate resolution before loading up RA and selecting the core I want to use. I’ve been adding the video_fullscreen_x/y parameters to the core override configs and it seems to be ignored.

I’m using the gl renderer on Debian sid, cinnamon desktop, nvidia drivers, I’m only trying to set modes I added directly to my xorg.conf. I feel like I am most likely misunderstanding how this works or if this feature actually functions in linux, so any confirmation as to what I’m doing wrong or incorrectly assuming would be greatly appreciated.

That should be all you need to do, but it only works with exclusive/non-windowed fullscreen, in case that option isn’t set correctly for you yet.

I decided to try with a fresh start with the flatpak distribution and now I have a different problem: the resolution switch happens, but with the annoying side effect of disabling my primary monitor (shown as “off” in the nvidia driver panel) and RA immediately crashing after loading content, regardless of core used. Leaving my primary desktop on a 640x240 CRT while I flail around trying to fix it, lol. Not fun.

I don’t think we can do anything about the primary monitor shutting itself off, but we might be able to do something about the crash if you can get us a log.

I’ll see about getting a log, but I suspect the problem is on my end (the driver) as xrandr behaves strangely sometimes too… In the mean time it’s not a huge issue for me in that the RGUI menu looks fine in 640x240 and all the 240p cores look acceptable to me with aspect set to 8:3, bilinear filtered with overscan on/off per core as necessary to get the scanlines “lined up” to 240p. Horizontal stretching doesn’t seem to be visible on my display. I may just stick with this as it saves me the trouble of constantly having to fix the horizontal centering on my extron box when I switch resolutions and I’m happy with the look.

I suspect for the long term I’m going to want to set up RA on its own X screen, anyway, as fullscreen mode means that it picks up mouse and keyboard even when not focused. Anyway, thanks for your prompt responses!

my pleasure. let me know if you run into any other weird issues and I may be able to help :slight_smile: