I’ve seen this mentioned as a feature in RA before, the ability to set a per-core fullscreen resolution, but I can’t get it to work.
I’m using a CRT TV as my display, I have some 15khz 240p/224p modelines put together that look great but so far I have been having to manually switch the display to the appropriate resolution before loading up RA and selecting the core I want to use. I’ve been adding the video_fullscreen_x/y parameters to the core override configs and it seems to be ignored.
I’m using the gl renderer on Debian sid, cinnamon desktop, nvidia drivers, I’m only trying to set modes I added directly to my xorg.conf. I feel like I am most likely misunderstanding how this works or if this feature actually functions in linux, so any confirmation as to what I’m doing wrong or incorrectly assuming would be greatly appreciated.