Retro Achievements

EDIT: I messed up the title, I meant to post “Retro Achievements Bug - All Achievements Unlocked”. Sorry for the trouble…


I discovered RetroArch a few days ago and tried a few games with it. I linked my newly-created Retro Achievements account with it, tried Super Mario World with it and everything worked fine (save for the state of achievements being all N/A, but you could see they were separated between Locked and Unlocked).

However recently, every game I try to play, even ones I had never played before, have their achievements marked as unlocked, even though on the website they’re not all unlocked.

Achievements list on RetroArch (the images are a little too big to insert here, sorry): Achievements list on Retro Achievements:

I tried playing the game normally thinking it would unlock achievements regardless of this issue (for example: getting new powers in Kirby Superstar or completing Spring Breeze), but it doesn’t unlock anything on the site. Then, I thought maybe my account had a problem, so I tried playing games with the emulators made by RA, but the achievements list is all good and I can actually unlock new achievements. Since I couldn’t think of any other way, I deleted the whole RetroArch folder and redownloaded it to start from zero, and it still says I’ve unlocked all the achievements for the games. Now I’m at a complete loss and I see nobody else having the same issue I encounter, so I’m asking if someone have any idea to solve this bug.


Hi guys,

I’ve been trying to setup the retro achivements function on my retroarch windows build (latest nightly). I’ve created an account on and ive added the account info in retroarch but nothing happens when i try to play games. Seems im missing something? How do i know the accounts are connected?

If your achievement list have achievements in it, then you’re connected. I’ve noticed some games just don’t work with some cores and you might want to try different cores.

I haven’t tried this feature yet, but it’s too bad we can’t get the little achievement images next to the achievements. If it had those and an option to enable a popup in the corner of the screen while playing, that pops up with the achievement and the image the moment you unlock one… that would be amazing.

Thanks guys for your answer, I did get it to work and it was probably that i used the wrong cores or something. Would have been easier if that info was available somewhere…

Would have been nice to see all the achivements in a list format in retroarch on a specific game of choice too. Now i have to swap between the site and the game to know what i have left to do.

If you have the all achievements unlocked but can still unlock achievements bug, download the latest nightly version. You can see which achievements are locked and unlocked with it.

where in retroarch can you see which achivements you have unlocked or not? I can’t find that info somewhere and im running the latest nightly build (21/7)

Pause the game, the achievement list is at the very bottom.

Thanks very much. It works. Do you know how you can change an assosicated core with a game in the list of scanned games?

Usually you go to Settings => Playlists then you select the core you want to associate for each playlist. However it seems there’s a bug where the first core you’ve chosen will not change regardless of the settings (at least that’s what happened to me), if this happens to you quit RetroArch and delete the playlist in RetroArch\playlists then create it again, that solved the bug for me.

Thanks alot, its working fine now. Much appricated!

Here’s a reddit Post with a spreadsheet of cores with achievement capabilities:

Thanks alot for the help regardig achivements. Its a cool feature that adds an extra dimension to gameplay if you ask me.