Retroarch 1.17 dont install anymore on linux mint 21 or ubuntu 22.04?

this is the error i get

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

retroarch : Depends: retroarch-assets (>= 1.7.6~) but it is not going to be installed

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how are you trying to install? from one of our PPAs? or from the distro repos? something else?

from ppa in fact on the ppa page when you want to download it manually for ubuntu 22.04 only 1.18 is available

hmm, are you sure that’s not the distro package that’s complaining? we don’t have a package for retroarch-assets and there’s no mention of it in the debian/control file that handles install- and runtime-dependencies.

im install always like that

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libretro/stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install retroarch

a few days install with no problems but now i get always the error

The following packages have unmet dependencies:

retroarch : Depends: retroarch-assets (>= 1.7.6~) but it is not going to be installed

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Looks like by debian/controls file wasn’t updated and after updating it, it indeed looks for the assets package. I reached out to the guy who added that to see what he had in mind for it. We’ll either fix it or remove it.

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Had the same problem today The available assets package on mint was 1.4.1

I don’t understand ? It seems that whoever uploaded the version of retro 1.18 made a real mess and for what???

It is assumed that the stable one that worked well is 1.17

Also, why put version 1.18 in a stable repository?