RetroArch 1.3.4 issues from nightly build 05/09/16-05/11/16

I’m experiencing an issue with just the mupen64plus core in RetroArch. After updating from nightly build of retroarch 04/28/16, to the latest (05/11/16). Any N64 ROM crashes upon loading with the mupen64plus core. I updated the mupen64plus core to the latest nightly (05/08/16) and the info file as well (05/11/16). Still no luck. So I tried to revert back to the old nightly version of 04/28/16 and my N64 ROMS started loading fine again. I then worked back from the latest nightly and found that the newest version of RetroArch.exe that works with mupen64plus is 05/08/16. If I install 05/09/16 or later, mupen64plus crashes when trying to load a ROM. This is only happening with mupen64plus. I can load any other core without issues (NES, SNES, SEGA, PS1, etc).

Hmm works fine here in win7 64-bit using latest core and latest nightly.

I found that the config file for mupen64plus that I load with the ROMS through the command line was the issue. Very strange. I created a brand new config file for mupen64plus and now it loads fine.

I kind of have a similar issue with the latest Nightlys that RetroArch won’t boot if the CRT-Royale shader is set. I have to manually disable it to launch the program.

I don’t know if this is an x86 issue or just in general, I did switch from x64 to x86 for temporary test of some sort, but that’s not the point. I doubt it would be x86 only issue.

When I start some games like Diggy Kong Racing, the camera in some parts of the game, mostly the intro, doesn’t move at all and some polygons have few missing parts in it, and Star Fox 64 has this sound static glitch. It was on dynamic recompiled core, but when I switch it to Pure Interpreter, it fixes the problems, except a lot of parts on games I tested have screen flickering glitch, which may cause a seizure or distracting view. They are unplayable in both core settings, but the recompiled doesn’t have flickering whenever the screen fades or loads an effect.