RetroArch 1.3.4 - No Cores Available

Hello Everyone,

I’ve been having several issues getting RetroArch setup correctly. A little background on the issue first… Originally, I had everything “working” but when I tried to launch a game, RetroArch would crash. I deleted all files and redownloaded RetroArch 1.3.4 stable build. Everything seemed to be working as expected, but now when I try to launch a ROM, I receive the error “No Cores Available.” This occurs with every core. I did quite a bit of digging, and found that this was a known issue with an older version sometime back in April, but I am still encountering the issue on the latest release. Below is some information on my system and some troubleshooting steps I already tried.

System Info: RetroArch 1.3.4 x86_x64 (Currently on the 6/22 nightly, same issue previously on the stable) Windows 10 x64 Intel i7 4770k nVidia GTX780 Troubleshooting So Far:

  1. Verified cores/info directories were correct
  2. Used the built in updater to redownload core/info/assets/database
  3. Deleted retroarch.cfg and replaced it with retroarch-default.cfg
  4. Moved info files into retroarch/cores directory, and updated the info dir in RetroArch
  5. Since the problem first occurred after deleting/redownloading, I tried that again. Deleted all files, ran CCleaner just in case (Temp/Registry files), redownloaded 1.3.4 stable. No luck.
  6. Repeated all steps above but tried with a nightly build about a week ago. Same issue.
  7. Repeated all steps above, but am now on the 6/22 nightly. No luck.

Still no luck. If I go to load core, I can see all of the cores I have downloaded, but when I go to load a rom from any core, I still receive “No cores available.” In the bottom left corner, I also see 1.3.4 - No Core, but that may be normal since no core is currently loaded. Is there anything else I can check or do to get this working? Thanks in advance.

I think I’ve got it figured out. I went to settings, playlists, and selected to core I wanted to be used. After that, I was able to launch my roms successfully. I’ve only tested with BSNES so far, but I suspect this will be the fix for the others as well.

Is this expected behavior? Should you have to manually select a core per playlist? I though when you added content, and it automatically created the playlist, it would also select to the correct core automagically.