RetroArch 1.3.4 - StdOut


since the release of RetroArch 1.3.4 the StdOut on Windows for retroarch.exe isn’t working, i.e. there is nothing printed on a command prompt.

Tested with RetroArch 1.3.4 stable x64 and x86 as well as RetroArch 1.3.4 nightly 20160607 x64 and x86.

Commands tested were:

retroarch.exe --help
retroarch.exe --verbose

However, retroarch_debug.exe does print info on StdOut.

Not sure if this is intended, older versions worked though, e.g. RetroArch 1.2.2, but didn’t ship a retroarch_debug.exe.


– MK2k

Yeah, retroarch_debug is for exactly this. We started making the regular retroarch.exe stop spawning stdout windows because it was annoying for people using launchers, like hyperspin.

Oh OK, seems I missed the announcement of that feature :slight_smile: Thanks!

Interesting. My personal build which I still launch with the following command line still makes output.log properly. I don’t remember enabling any special build options to prevent suppression of the cmd window.

retroarch-lex.exe -v --menu > output.log 2>&1

This is my build script (sh file associated with mingw shell).

cd $(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P)

./configure --enable-xmb --enable-cg --enable-nuklear
make clean
make -j8
mv -f retroarch.exe ../retroarch-lex.exe