Retroarch Android Questions

I have a couple of questions about Retroarch Android.

  1. For PSXRearmed, how do I boot to the PSX BIOS so I can use the memory card manager? Where does retroarch store the memory card, so I can copy it to my PC?

  2. Are save states supported?

  3. Can I set the default rom directory? I’d like it to remember my last directory. Or, I’d like to be able to set the base rom directory, either for retroarch or for each core.

I feel silly answering my own questions but I looked around a bit more:

  1. You can’t boot to PSX Bios with PSXRearmed. However, you can set the directory where save states and game memory is stored.
  2. You can’t access the “quick menu” unless you have overlays enabled. That was very confusing, because I had disabled overlays.
  3. You can set the default rom directory for retroarch, but not on a per-core basis.

Don’t feel silly at all. I’m glad you got it all figured out, and it’s awesome that you shared your answers. :slight_smile:

There were some other confusing bits about the UI.

When you change the directory for roms or saves or data, it should display the current directory on the options screen, and open by default to the current directory choice. There was no way to tell if I had set the directory correctly, other than setting it again.

I found the “map physical keyboard to input” feature. That was well hidden. You have to disable controller auto-detection, and then you can manually set it yourself. There should be an input key that opens the quick menu, rather than forcing you to go through the overlay. You access save states through the quick menu, and you can also have it autosave/autoload when you quit/start the emulator.