RetroArch crashes on loading save state

While updating RetroArch, I accidentally overwrote my old .cfg with the default one (ugh). After a lot of work, I got everything back to how I wanted.

The only problem is, one of my game save states won’t load. Rather … it will load (the screen shows what I was up to when I saved it), but RA stops responding and will eventually crash. The debug menu isn’t terribly helpful–it simply says “Failed to load state”.

So far as I can tell, this is the only game with this problem. It’s also the most annoying game to have this problem, as I was near the end of a long RPG.

Some additional details: OS: Windows 10 RA: v1.7.1 Core: Genesis Plus GX Game: Lunar: Eternal Blue Error message: [ERROR] Failed to load state from “D:\Games\Emulators\RetroArch\states\Genesis Plus GX\Lunar Eternal”

I have RetroArch set to automatically load/save states on start/exit, and it’s set to auto-index save states. As mentioned before, this is the only game that now has this problem. I’ve verified the state file exists.

I have tried removing my retroarch.cfg, my retroarch-core-options.cfg, my core-specific remaps, and my game-specific remaps. I’ve even tried disabling all but the video driver and going through those one-by-one. In each case, RetroArch appears to load the state, but the application crashes. I also tried disabling auto-load and loading the state manually.

Is there anything else I can try, or am I SOL?