RetroArch crashes when executing "Run" command on any ROM


First of all, thank you RetroArch devs for your continued work on this software, and thank you forum members for taking a look at this thread!

After trying to use RetroArch over a year ago and completely failing to get it set up and running properly, I abandoned the software entirely and instead just installed many different emulators with meticulously managed file folders for different game consoles and their ROMs. I’ve never had any problems with this setup whatsoever, but this holiday season I recently built a RetroPie machine on the newest model of the Raspberry Pi for my brother-in-law. I was honestly really surprised at how easy the set up was, and how much tinkering was not required on my part to get emulators / cores working for any ROM I threw it at it. I thoroughly enjoyed not having to really think about which cores I needed to load or needing to tweak any of the default settings (other than controller / video configs, which was done through the built-in menus and not via text editor).

So, after the resounding success of setting that up, I thought maybe RetroArch deserves another stab and could make my otherwise outdated Toshiba laptop useful again as an emulator machine.

I didn’t want to follow someone else’s inaccurate guide, so I went straight to the source, and used the following official “Getting Started” guide:

[ol] [li]I downloaded the “RetroArch.7z” file from the Windows nightlies x86_64 folder and extracted.[/li][li]Opened RetroArch[/li][li]Changed Controller RetroPad button mapping to suit my preferred keyboard controls by navigating to Settings > Input > Input User 1 Binds > User 1Bind All[/li][ul] [li]This is how it’s set:
[/li][li]Problem #1: RetroArch is ignoring this configuration. Up, Down, Left, and Right are still controlled via the Arrow keys, and all the other default keyboard remappings remain the same and are unchanged by using the User 1 Bind All option (which is what the official guide recommends using)[/li][/ul]

[li]I configured my directories, leaving everything as default except the File Browser Directory which I changed to the location of my ROMs via Settings > Directory > File Browser[/li][li]Following the guide’s instructions, I used the Online Updater > Core Updater to download and extract every single available core for all the systems I’m currently emulating, which include the following systems:[/li][ul] [li]GBA[/li][li]GBC[/li][li]NES[/li][li]N64[/li][li]PS1[/li][li]Sega Genesis / Megadrive[/li][li]SNES[/li][/ul]

[li]I tried then following the next steps in the official Getting Started guide to detect my ROMs via Add Content > Scan Directory for every separate ROM folder that exists in my default File Browser Directory which I set up in step 4.[/li][LIST=1] [li]Problem #2: After scanning my ROM directories, the console specific columns that are meant to appear in XMB do not appear, despite the yellow text saying it would successfully scan the expected number of items for each ROM directory.[/li][/ol] [/LIST]

After encountering these 2 problems, I switched the Video mode to Fullscreen and completely shut down RetroArch and started it back up to see if rebooting was the answer. Sadly, it was not.

So, I then repeated all of these steps using the latest stable build in the buildbot folder for Windows x86_64, as outlined in the LifeHacker guide.

Doing this eliminated Problems 1 & 2, i.e. User 1 Bind All worked as expected and scanning my ROM directories worked as expected creating the console specific columns in XMB. However, I encountered a new error.

Problem #3: No matter what ROM I loaded, no matter which system, or which core (remember I downloaded and extracted every single available core for all consoles listed above) I used, every single time I loaded a core, selected an appropriate ROM, and selected that ROM’s Run option, RetroArch crashes immediately. No freezing, no hanging, no errors. The process simply ends.

Digging through these forums I found how to create a batch file to generate an output.log file, which I have created and tried attaching to this post, but apparently it’s an invalid file. So I’m including it below enclosed in CODE brackets.

Thanks again for reading this, hope this improves either the program or the official “Getting Started” guide, since something(s) outlined in those steps are not working for me.

Cheers! And keep up the good work. The program looks beautiful, but unfortunately not functional for me. I will be avoiding this in the meantime.

If I need to edit a config file via a text editor, then I will not be using this program until that is no longer necessary. Not trying to be a dick, but RetroPie has proven that it IS possible to set up RetroArch in a way that requires minimal tweaking from the end user, and I think it would be wise for RetroArch to follow suite.

Maybe the devs disagree with me, but either way, I’m not going to use a program that requires text editing to get working properly. Sorry :confused: My current setup of using separate applications for separate console emulations is more convenient than that.

Cheers! And godspeed ye wizard programmers!

RetroArch [INFO] :: === Build =======================================
Capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE1 SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 
Built: Jul 17 2016
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version: 1.3.6
RetroArch [INFO] :: Git: 218d6f5
RetroArch [INFO] :: =================================================
RetroArch [INFO] :: Config: loading config from: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: RGB565.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version of libretro API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Compiled against API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Set audio input rate to: 29975.00 Hz.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Video @ fullscreen
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GL context: wgl
RetroArch [INFO] :: Detecting screen resolution 1366x768.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc., Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Version: 4.2.12430 Compatibility Profile Context
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: ATI card detected, skipping check for GL_RGB565 support.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_sync => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Using ARB_sync to reduce latency.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_texture_float => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: EXT_texture_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: GL: Using resolution 1366x768
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Checking GLSL shader support ...
RetroArch [WARN] :: [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Using 4 textures.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Device #0 PID: {0306} VID:{057E}
RetroArch [INFO] :: Autodetect: 45 profiles found
RetroArch [INFO] :: Autodetect: no profiles found for Bluetooth HID Port (1406/774)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Done enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found menu display driver: "menu_display_gl".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_object => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: SRAM will not be saved.
RetroArch [INFO] :: null: [C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\].
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: VSync => on
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: VSync => on
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using content: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch_ROMS\PS1\Twisted Metal (USA).cue.
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #0: retroarch
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #1: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch_ROMS\PS1\Twisted Metal (USA).cue
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #2: -s
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #3: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #4: -S
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #5: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\states
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #6: -c
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #7: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #8: -L
RetroArch [INFO] :: arg #9: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\cores\mednafen_psx_libretro.dll
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting save file to "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting savestate to "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\states\Twisted Metal (USA).state".
RetroArch [INFO] :: === Build =======================================
Capabilities: MMX MMXEXT SSE1 SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 
Built: Jul 17 2016
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version: 1.3.6
RetroArch [INFO] :: Git: 218d6f5
RetroArch [INFO] :: =================================================
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Loading dynamic libretro core from: "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\cores\mednafen_psx_libretro.dll"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Overrides: no core-specific overrides found at C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\config\Mednafen PSX\Mednafen PSX.cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Overrides: no game-specific overrides found at C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\config\Mednafen PSX\Twisted Metal (USA).cfg.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_VARIABLES.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_CONTROLLER_INFO.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 1
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 2
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 3
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 4
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 5
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 6
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 7
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Controller port: 8
RetroArch [INFO] ::    PS1 Joypad (ID: 1)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualAnalog (ID: 261)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    DualShock (ID: 517)
RetroArch [INFO] ::    FlightStick (ID: 773)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: remap directory: C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\config/remaps
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no game-specific remap found at C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\config/remaps/Mednafen PSX/Twisted Metal (USA).rmp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Remaps: no core-specific remap found at C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\config/remaps/Mednafen PSX/Mednafen PSX.rmp.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting save file to "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Redirecting savestate to "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\states\Twisted Metal (USA).state".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_LOG_INTERFACE.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SYSTEM_DIRECTORY: "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\system".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_PERF_INTERFACE.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ UNSUPPORTED (#44).
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ PERFORMANCE_LEVEL: 15.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Content loading skipped. Implementation will load it on its own.
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "B (bottom)" => "Cross"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Y (left)" => "Square"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Select" => "Select"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "A (right)" => "Circle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "X (up)" => "Triangle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "L" => "L1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "R" => "R1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "L2" => "L2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "R2" => "R2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "L3" => "L3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 1, Button "R3" => "R3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "B (bottom)" => "Cross"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "Y (left)" => "Square"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "Select" => "Select"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "A (right)" => "Circle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "X (up)" => "Triangle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "L" => "L1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "R" => "R1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "L2" => "L2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "R2" => "R2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "L3" => "L3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 2, Button "R3" => "R3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "B (bottom)" => "Cross"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "Y (left)" => "Square"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "Select" => "Select"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "A (right)" => "Circle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "X (up)" => "Triangle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "L" => "L1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "R" => "R1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "L2" => "L2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "R2" => "R2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "L3" => "L3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 3, Button "R3" => "R3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "B (bottom)" => "Cross"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "Y (left)" => "Square"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "Select" => "Select"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "A (right)" => "Circle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "X (up)" => "Triangle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "L" => "L1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "R" => "R1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "L2" => "L2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "R2" => "R2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "L3" => "L3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 4, Button "R3" => "R3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "B (bottom)" => "Cross"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "Y (left)" => "Square"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "Select" => "Select"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "Start" => "Start"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Up" => "D-Pad Up"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Down" => "D-Pad Down"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Left" => "D-Pad Left"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "D-Pad Right" => "D-Pad Right"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "A (right)" => "Circle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "X (up)" => "Triangle"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "L" => "L1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "R" => "R1"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "L2" => "L2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "R2" => "R2"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "L3" => "L3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	RetroPad, User 5, Button "R3" => "R3"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ SET_PIXEL_FORMAT: XRGB8888.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_renderer:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	N/A
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_cdimagecache:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_cpu_overclock:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_skipbios:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_widescreen_hack:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_enable_memcard1:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	enabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_analog_calibration:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_internal_resolution:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	1x(native)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_dither_mode:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	N/A
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_pgxp_mode:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	N/A
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_pgxp_caching:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	N/A
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_pgxp_texture:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	N/A
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_analog_toggle:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_enable_multitap_port1:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_enable_multitap_port2:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_initial_scanline:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	0
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_last_scanline:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	239
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_initial_scanline_pal:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	0
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_last_scanline_pal:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	287
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_use_mednafen_memcard0_method:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	libretro
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_shared_memory_cards:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_frame_duping_enable:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_display_internal_framerate:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_crop_overscan:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	enabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_image_offset:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
RetroArch [INFO] :: Environ GET_VARIABLE beetle_psx_image_crop:
RetroArch [INFO] :: 	disabled
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port1.gun_chairs
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port2.gun_chairs
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port3.gun_chairs
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port4.gun_chairs
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port5.gun_chairs
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port6.gun_chairs
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port7.gun_chairs
unhandled setting UI: psx.input.port8.gun_chairs
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
No such file or directory
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).1.mcr
No such file or directory
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).2.mcr
No such file or directory
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).3.mcr
No such file or directory
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).4.mcr
No such file or directory
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).5.mcr
No such file or directory
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).6.mcr
No such file or directory
RetroArch [libretro ERROR] :: Error opening file:
C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).7.mcr
No such file or directory
Failed to open C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).srm: No such file or directory
RetroArch [INFO] :: Skipping SRAM load..
RetroArch [INFO] :: Version of libretro API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Compiled against API: 1
RetroArch [INFO] :: Set audio input rate to: 44106.62 Hz.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Video @ fullscreen
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GL context: wgl
RetroArch [INFO] :: Detecting screen resolution 1366x768.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc., Renderer: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Version: 4.2.12430 Compatibility Profile Context
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: ATI card detected, skipping check for GL_RGB565 support.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_sync => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Using ARB_sync to reduce latency.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_texture_float => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: EXT_texture_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: Querying GL extension: ARB_framebuffer_sRGB => exists
RetroArch [INFO] :: GL: Using resolution 1366x768
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Checking GLSL shader support ...
RetroArch [WARN] :: [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL vertex shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found GLSL fragment shader.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Linking GLSL program.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Using 4 textures.
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found XInput v1.3.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Device #0 PID: {0306} VID:{057E}
RetroArch [INFO] :: Autodetect: 45 profiles found
RetroArch [INFO] :: Autodetect: no profiles found for Bluetooth HID Port (1406/774)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Done enumerating DInput joypads ...
RetroArch [INFO] :: Found joypad driver: "dinput".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: XAudio2: Requesting 64 ms latency, using 64 ms latency.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
RetroArch [INFO] :: null: [C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\].
RetroArch [INFO] :: [GL]: VSync => on
RetroArch [INFO] :: [WGL]: wglSwapInterval(1)
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saving config at path: "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg"
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saved new config to "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saving RAM type #0 to "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Saved successfully to "C:\Users\Mike\Downloads\RetroArch\saves\Twisted Metal (USA).srm".
RetroArch [INFO] :: Resetting undo buffers.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Average audio buffer saturation: 60.60 %, standard deviation (percentage points): 16.27 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Amount of time spent close to underrun: 4.84 %. Close to blocking: 27.81 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Average audio buffer saturation: 60.60 %, standard deviation (percentage points): 16.27 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Amount of time spent close to underrun: 4.84 %. Close to blocking: 27.81 %.
RetroArch [INFO] :: Does not have enough samples for monitor refresh rate estimation. Requires to run for at least 4096 frames.

You’re missing the required BIOS images for PSX. Dunno what’s up with the other cores but I’m happy to take a look if you get logs for them, too. Just paste them somewhere like pastebin and then post the links here.

The problem you had with the keyboard mapping is a result of us recently decoupling the menu and in-game controls. You can change it back to the old behavior in settings > input > unified menu controls ON.

For the games not showing up, we only scan for no-intro and redump ROMs for the most part. You may need to go into the online updater and update the databases if they weren’t showing up in the nightly but showed up in the stable release.

I think most people get by without touching any text files these days but I can’t guarantee it. If not, you can always use Retropie for x86: