Retroarch in Android tablet with Bluetooth keyboard

Hi, I’m having a bit of a trouble to use Retroarch to play C64 games, since many of them recquire the use of the keyboard, and Retroarch does not recognize the BT keyboard, I can not play them.

The tablet recognizes perfectly the BT keyboard, since I can use it in other applications.

I’m going to make another tests, and provide messages here, but meanwhile, I remember seeing a virtual keyboard when using an Android device, and I don’t remeber how to do it right now. Is there a way to show a virtual keyboard in android or something similar so I can play C64 games with Retroarch in the tablet?

Thanks in advance.

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I humbly apologize. Did not read the most recent README in the VICE github repository where clearly states that the visual keyboard appears pressing the SELECT button.

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no worries, and thanks for posting your solution :slight_smile: