Retroarch iOS 1090-1.3 binding onscreen buttons

Hi Guys, I am using retroarch about 1 year. I finished about 10 games on it-and I like it very much.

I’ve got a problem with movement f.e. in Turok for N64. I played goldeneye, and there were a few presets in game of joystick config. In turok there are none.

And controls are akward (even when I choose dualshock controller)- left joystick is responsible for strafe left/right,and looking down/up (inverted!!)- every of movement directions also trigers sprint/walk mode (i guess bindings are covered with analog joystick). Right yellow keys are for walking and turning left right. I wish to reverse it, or set strafe to top L and R buttons.

I have spent literally whole day trying to edit rmp file (in v1.3), but it contain only half of keys??!! when i am editing any cfg files: retroarch, muphen64etc. -none of changes apply (only f.e.treshold, but not keys). by the way- is it possible to set that small green menu in v1.3 as was in1.0.9.0? I got used to it. Anyway in menu there are configurations for users- but in 1090 I can’t set any, in 1.3 any change doesn’t affect- I suppose that it is for external keyboard or BT controller?But how the hell I can configure (or import presets) on screen overlay joystick? One more question- does dreamcast emulator is available for iOS? I read somewhere that in v1.3 it was added (and for iOS it should be available too). Greetings from Poland, James

Reicast isn’t available for mobile yet. It’s still very much a work-in-progress.

It’s easy to get the old, green menus back. Just go to settings > drivers and set ‘menu’ to RGUI.

Dunno about the remap stuff. N64 input is weird, but it looks like everything should be there except for the analog stick…

Hi, Thanks a lot for your reply.

It is really a huge problem with controls. and I don’t see any chance to move with so akward binding:/ So what is this input edit for? when it doesn’t even react to which button I press- is it only for external controlling devices? Really there are no presets, different pad configs?

I’ve never used the core input remapping with an overlay but I assumed it would work the same as with an external gamepad.

You could try modifying the overlay instead, if you want. The overlay cfg file is where all of the button assignments are and it’s just a plaintext file. You can open it with a text editor like notepad++ and move button assignments around however you like.

hunterk- Thanks again for an answer. Are you able to check if core input remapping works for overlay? It should- but in 1090 it doesn’t even react to anything I press. In 1.3 I can chose predefined keys- but it doesn’t affect in game.

What do you mean by modifying overlay? are you talking about f.e dual-shock.cfg in overlays\gamepads folder? 1.I think that in this file there are no bindings- only XY positions of buttons, like: overlay0_descs = 25 overlay0_desc0 = “left,0.04375,0.352083333333,radial,0.0525,0.0875” overlay0_desc0_overlay = dpad-left.png

  1. bindings can be found in .rmp file when I remap them in v1.3 but there are only half of all buttons!
  2. I could find them also in retroarch.cfg and muphen64_ios.cfg (or something like that) but for every key there is code like; analog up= 14 (so it will take ages to decode which number will define what kind of button and change them all).

Are you able to edit .cfg (for iOS) and change it a bit, so I could see that it works? It’s not that I am lazy and I don’t want to do it myself-'cause like I’ve said I spent a whole day editing those files and copying them back to iphone and looking for any changes.

I don’t have any iDevices, so I can’t check on it for you.

In this line: overlay0_desc0 = “left,0.04375,0.352083333333,radial,0.0525,0.0 875” “left” is the binding. You could change that to whatever you want. You can’t change the analogs to digital, though, if that’s what you want. The analogs are a weird special case in the overlays.

oh… it’s a pitty. I mostly wanted to change analogs:/ 'cause looking up/down is inverted. moreover (in dualshock overlay) left joystick is responsible for looking and turning left/right, and right for walking forward/backward and strafing. I want left joystick to turn left/right and walk.

about changes in .cfg- OHH it is so simple?? in retroarch/muphen.cfg there are codes of keys (like left=13). Here it is very clear- I will try to edit it.

I hope that somebody else will find out how to edit analog joystick, or change bindings in easier way than by editing .cfg files.

Anyway Thank you very much for help.