RetroArch NetPlay PSX ROMs

RetroArch NetPlay PSX ROMs

Hello REtroArch Community, Greetings.

I have been studying for several days how to connect two computers and be able to play online via RetroArch.

I have made progress in connecting the two computers and emulate via RetroArch, I even made a step by step guide to connect and not get lost in the guide, here I leave it in case you want to study the guide:

the doubts I have when try play PSX Roms NeyPlay with RetroArch:

How to improve the .RA audio to play online. is there a setting?

What I observe from my studies is that the audio rendered with Audio .RA is very difficult to play these games, as I always generate a LOT of lags when playing online.

To solve: Leave the emulation without AUDIO and I connect better, more fluid the game and without less Lags.

How to improve the lags? I notice that at the present time I still have problems with lags, and the settings…

I have tested in a week of practicing the game, and I have been able to improve the lags in the game for a week.

I have tested in all the CORES of RetroArch. They work to connect but it gives lags.

Another question, is it possible to rent SERVER with RetroArch?

I leave a preview video step by step, in case someone is interested in connecting to play PlayStation on NET.

Please a guide or Tips to Legs. :relaxed:

Note: I find this version of RetroArch very powerful and I like the design of Ozone much more than the previous one. thanks.

Thanks for the support

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Anxo another test try to fix the Lags in PSX

Setting Netplay:

Video = Vulkan Audio = Xaudio Lag = Audio 128 , Retraso de fotogramas.

I am try with 5g coneection but when connect the PCs The lags still.

With that simple setting can connect and play but still wiht lags.

How ca fix that lags?

Thanks id advance for support

Maybe you need a less laggy internet connection?

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Hi Cyber!

Yes, need less lag in games and conections, but not know how?

sorry i am newbaby in RetroArch.

if you know a tutorial or example how can connect without legs, a doc, a link…

the RetroArch its mucho power but i am new.

Sorry Cyber for my bad english