RetroArch nightly crashes at start up

Hi there

Stable works fine, unfortunately the newest nightly (12-22) crashes on start up with this error:

The procedure entry point _ZNKSt7_cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE4findEPKcyy could not be located in the dynamic link library libstdc+±6.dll

I am using Windows 7, 64x

Any input is appreciated.

latest nightly did not include updated libs, until it is fixed, just use this zip to update necessary lib files. ONLY FOR 64BIT RETROARCH. -download and extract to your retroarch folder, replace or overwrite existing files.

(read further down for updated lib files)

Still crashes even with those files. Now it says:

The program can’t start because avsodec-57.dll is missing from your computer.

here: more libs added!TcpQBZyY!p7R5JWYkEYl3NoOkqDujvcUf7dSzt9c8AzbzqdcxwOY

Thanks for the “click” but this is now outdated. get the official redist libs from buildbot.

windows - 64bit link ->

if need only the libs, get redist.7z if you are a new user or have not updated in a long time, better to get the full package RetroArch.7z

Thanks so much, wertz, that works.


Thanks for the “click” but this is now outdated. get the official redist libs from buildbot.

windows - 64bit link ->

if need only the libs, get redist.7z if you are a new user or have not updated in a long time, better to get the full package RetroArch.7z