RetroArch on a MacBook Pro with retina display

I have noticed that RetroArch is not a “retina ready” app, which means OS X applies a pixel quadrupling effect to it which is quite ugly and is also the cause of some inconvenience. I’m wondering if there is a way to somehow bypass this.

I have a 4K monitor (non-Mac) and it scales up fine here. Which menu “driver” are you using (i.e., RGUI, XMB or GLUI)? Does Retinizer help?

I use RGUI since it’s the only one that’s available in as far as I can tell, I did give the new menus a spin when I tried one of the nightlies though, and it looked as pixelated as ever. I didn’t know about Retinizer before, I tried it but it doesn’t do anything. Retina Macs handle resolution in a peculiar way, you can’t even change it unless you use a third party application, instead you get to choose between five different levels of scaling from large to small, each of these levels have a particular resolution attached to them which affects apps that aren’t “retina-aware”, so under the default ‘medium’ settings RetroArch is rendered as if it were being displayed on a 1440 x 900 display, every pixel enlarged by 2x.

@Moronwind I made an Info.plist that should force high-res rendering, if you would like to give it a shot. It’s available in the github repo here: If you go into the bundle and replace the old one with the new one, then make a copy of the whole bundle (i.e., RetroArch, then delete the old one and rename the new one to, it should let you try it. (NOTE: all of that copying/renaming garbage is to get around OSX’s aggressive caching of info.plist files)

I tried your plist, but the only part of the interface that it affects is this: (Retinizer achieves the same thing by the way, I didn’t notice this at first)

Ok, that’s good! Would you mind trying the GLUI menu with either that new plist or Retinizer?

Thanks for testing, btw :slight_smile:

No problem.

I tried the new plist with GLUI and I get the same exact results, the pixelation is actually more apparent since the text isn’t blurry.

lol ok. that sucks. thanks again for testing. I guess I’ll have to do some more digging through cocoa API docs to figure out what else needs to be done. Possibly changing the entire context…

This should be fixed in the latest code, if you can compile it yourself and check it out.