RetroArch on Android (GT10.1) with Sega Genesis Controller

What can I say? I’m simply IMPRESSED on how good this emulator turned out to be on the Android!

I’ve just made a video:

The only drawback so far is that activating scanlines filter, the overall performance is not very good! Other than that, keep up the great work!!

In time, how can I donate to the project?



You can not donate to the project - that’s the great thing.

The only thing you can do instead is ‘gifting’ hardware to us to help us aid with the project.

One thing that I particularly need right now is an iPad 2 so that I can do an iOS port for jailbreakable devices (perhaps even a loophole could be ‘found’ to put it on the real store through some ‘game’)…

You should create a donation fund for the iPad 2. It will be funded in no time. Believe me! :wink:

Now I need to make an USB pad to work on a MK808 Android mini-pc stick so I can play RetroArch on it!

Keep up the absolutely great work!


No donations keeps the project in the right spiritually AND it is a way to avoid legal issues.

So sorry, but this restriction will stay. If people are really genuine they will do exactly what I request them to do - ‘gift’ the hardware that we need to make RetroArch better.

I would definitely give you an iPad 2 if I could! Hope you get one soon!

Any plans to “port” this beauty to the OUYA once it’s released?

I doubt there’d be much to ‘port’ - it’s just an Android device with a gamepad and some store thingie - it wouldn’t even really need an SDK if it’s designed properly really.

Same thing applies there - we don’t have the money or the funds to buy every single thing that comes along, so if the interest is there by people, we will get an Ouya.

Regarding shaders - I’m going to copy-paste reply I made on ps3crunch regarding this very same issue on RetroArch Android - keep in mind most of these shaders were originally made for PC/PS3/360 -