I have followed the following tutorial on how to get RetroArch installed from source:
The command “retroarch” does not exist, but that is quite oubvious since it is not inside of the directory where all the other tools are at… I also don’t know where that is btw…
But when I go to the folder where I installed retroarch, and then type “./retroarch” it will start up, and act as normal. It is possible to fully play games with sound and what not, though mupen64plus is lagging terribly.
Anyways, when I use the command “./retroarch -L <file path to the core> <file path to the game rom>” it will… well do totally nothing at all.
It won’t give an error, it won’t give any information… it doesn’t start or anything.
It will just give a new box to enter a commend in, still set to the place where I wanted to start retroarch in.
It is also doing this inside xinit (after writing “startx”)
I need commands working because of a front end I am using, it uses commands to open up emulators and games.
I hope this info will do for now, thank you in advance!