RetroArch PC releases

SSNES 0.9.2

First release announcement on the new forum, yay :slight_smile:


  • Fixes for netplay
  • Allow OpenGL to be disabled with --disable-opengl.
  • Fix build for OSX.
  • Optimize rewind. Forces POT buffer sizes.
  • –enable-dynamic is enabled by default.
  • FFmpeg and Python is automatically checked for.
  • Refactor XVideo driver. Checks more thoroughly for supported formats.
  • Log errors when netplay fails.
  • Better handling of timeouts in netplay.
  • Add SNES_ENVIRONMENT_GET_OVERSCAN. crop_overscan is handled more intuitively.
  • Add rubyFrameDirection / IN.frame_direction in shaders.
  • Add video_font_enable. Allows disabling OSD fonts.
  • Improve error reporting in Cg.
  • Add some fixes for Python in Windows.
  • Supercharge rubyPrev*/PREV*. Allows looking into up to 7 previous frames.
  • Fix bug where OSD font would have wrong colors with certain shaders.
  • Expose Python to external video drivers. API bump.
  • Allow -L/–libsnes from command line.
  • Add timing support for FFmpeg recording. Allows implementations to accurately report their internal rates.
  • Pause while inactive disabled by default.
  • FFmpeg now performs the proper 15 -> 32-bit conversion [REDIST UPDATE].
  • Use display refresh rate as bases for audio input rate calculation.
  • Add --bsvrecord. Allow recording from the get-go.
  • Still record audio even if audio is disabled.
  • Fix occational horrible noise on end of recordings.
  • BSV recording model is revamped significantly.
  • Do not quit SSNES on BSV movie playback end.
  • Add --sram-mode. Allows controlling whether SRAM is loaded/saved for a run.
  • Add SNES_ENVIRONMENT_GET_CAN_DUPE. Extension to allow certain emulators to output “duped” frames (NULL frame). Freeing resources slightly when recording with i.e. FFmpeg.


  • Add copyAll() to Phoenix [AlexFolland].
  • Enforce matroska extension for movie recording.
  • SSNES-Phoenix can now load zipped roms (single file).
  • Add scrollbars to log.
  • Update BSV recording options to reflect new model in SSNES.
  • Use proper icon in *nix.


  • External Direct3D9 video plugin is feature complete.
  • 32-bit executables are packed with mudpack. (Will be extended to redist and 64-bit builds when supported).


  • Lex for lots of testing on BSV and FFmpeg recording.
  • mudlord for mudpack.


Windows binaries

Grab it from updater in Phoenix, or …

32-bit (Slim): 32-bit (Full): 64-bit (Slim): 64-bit (Full):

Redists (for full build) (version 2): 32-bit: 64-bit:

SSNES 0.9.3

Add possibility to mute sound with a toggle. Fix BSV magic to be big-endian. Still support little-endian magic for compatibility. Implement a custom getopt_long implementation for portability with non-GNU runtimes. Add several fixes to ensure better portability in the build system. Add AltiVec optimizations for sample conversion. Fonts in OpenGL are rendered with drop shadows for better visibility. Convert XAudio2 driver to be pure C for consistency with the rest of the code base.

Add port to PlayStation 3 GameOS [Squarepusher].


Windows binaries Grab it from updater in Phoenix, or …

32-bit (Slim): 32-bit (Full): 64-bit (Slim): 64-bit (Full):

Redists (for full build) (version 2): 32-bit: 64-bit:

SSNES 0.9.4

  • Fix rewind granularity always being set to 1, even when no BSV movie was playing.

  • SSNES displays compiler version, and build state on startup.

  • SSNES can now build as both C99 and C++ for portability (MSVC does not support C99 at all).

  • Save states are now more verbose if they fail.

  • Rewind is now less prone to errors if save state sizes suddenly change after init.

  • SRAM semantics for Sufami Turbo are reworked. .aram/.bram is no longer used as some games need to swap slots to work properly.

  • Add font scaling mode (only OpenGL atm). Allows OSD messages to scale against window size.

  • Add spectator mode for netplay. Allows multiple clients to view the host playing in real time.

  • Several additions to help portability.

  • Streamline file handling on Windows to support 360 target more easily.

  • Fix minor performance regression in audio subsystem as drivers were called on far more often than needed.

  • Add MS Visual C++ target for SSNES and several libsnes implementations.

  • Add preliminary port to libxenon (Squarepusher).

  • Add preliminary port to XDK 360 (Squarepusher).

  • Add preliminary port to Wii.

  • Improve PlayStation 3 port (Squarepusher).


Windows binaries Slim/Full scheme is removed from the main distribution as needing to download redist separately was apparently not communicated well enough.

Slim/Full build is still available from Phoenix GUI and it’s the recommended way to update SSNES to save massive bandwidth (~1MB vs ~15MB).

32-bit: 64-bit:

SSNES 0.9.5

This is a major release that marks the first proper release of PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 ports by Squarepusher.

PlayStation 3 port is quite accomplished, and is more or less feature complete. XBox 360 port has also received a lot of work, and it’ll be more complete for a future 0.9.6 release.

Both PS3 and 360 ports have a small frontend similar to Phoenix that eases use of different cores, called Salamander.

Rest of code base has been tightened up to accomodate that SSNES now runs on 6+ platforms.


  • PlayStation 3 port quite complete (Squarepusher).
  • Lots of work on XBox 360 port (Squarepusher).
  • Add SSNES-Salamander for PS3 and 360 (Squarepusher).


  • Add experimental audio rate control. This will dynamically adjust input rate on the fly to possibly eliminate all stuttering in video if enabled.

  • Add new SSE-optimized windowed sinc resampler for improved audio quality. If SSNES is built on 32-bit x86 and sinc is used, it is recommended to compile with SSE enabled for major speedup. Old hermite resampler is still available in compile time (–disable-sinc). 32-bit Windows build still uses hermite by default. 64-bit Windows build has sinc enabled as availability of SSE can be guaranteed.

  • Add resampler test cases to objectively verify quality and correctness.

  • Add IPS patching support.

  • Add --no-patch option to disable all rom patching.

  • Add compatibility layer for legacy network implementations.

  • kp_plus/kp_minus detected properly again.

  • Add fixes to C++ build.

  • Fix regression with screenshots (Mziab).

  • Bump maximum players to 8 to accomodate possible needs in future.

  • Add SET_VARIABLES extension interface to libsnes. Cores can advertise support for very obscure settings that cannot be supported generically.

  • Add SET_ROTATION interface to allow implementations to defer screen rotation to hardware if available.

  • Add audio batch callback that improves performance of certain libsnes implementations.

  • Add *_equal semantics to state tracker. Allowing checking for multiple buttons pressed at once. Useful for certain shaders.

  • Fix bug with XAudio in nonblock mode.

  • .cgp shaders can take absolute paths for shaders. Mostly useful on consoles.

  • Add code to be able to cleanly reinit Cg.

  • If output sample rate is not supported in OSS, do not fail, and use the given rate.

  • Fixup compatibility with very recent FFmpeg. Should now work seamlessly with v52/v53/v54 libav*.

  • Add option to use FFV1 instead when support for H.264 recording is compiled in.

  • If loading a library fails on Windows, the more precise error code is logged.

  • Movie playback doesn’t fail if the recording and playing core doesn’t match. A warning will be logged instead.

  • Allow stopping movie playback early.

  • Add device selection to XAudio2 and DirectSound.

  • BSV movie error handling is more lenient, and tries to give warnings about possible incompatibilities rather than throw an error. (AlexFolland).

  • Savestates that have path appended with “.auto” will be automatically loaded on startup. Useful for arcade-style games.

  • Lots of minor bug fixes and cleanups allround.


  • Make the updater more intuitive to use by adding dedicated buttons for using and downloading libsnes cores.
  • Fix bug where torrentzipped archives were crashing the GUI.


Windows binaries

Slim/Full build is available from Phoenix GUI and it’s the recommended way to update SSNES to save massive bandwidth (~1MB vs ~15MB). 32-bit: (Full + Redist) 64-bit: (Full + Redist)

RetroArch 0.9.6

This marks the first official release of RetroArch, formerly known as SSNES.

Consoles PlayStation 3 and XBox360 ports by Squarepusher have matured a lot more. A ton of changes are in (too much to list :P), and binaries have been released on xbins.

PC/Core Core has received too many changes to highlight them all, however:

  • Internal API is now libretro, an evolution from libsnes.
  • Add IPS patching support.
  • Add rotation support for arcade-style cores.
  • Fix bug where pulseaudio driver was using far too much CPU.
  • Not specifying an explicit path for libretro core is now an error (no default core).
  • Add new button defines for L2/R2/L3/R3, as well as two analog sticks. Now matches the feature set of a DualShock 1 controller.
  • Add UDP command interface for RetroArch. This allows external processes to fire commands, e.g. “QUIT”, “SAVE_STATE”, etc. Useful for frontends, remotes, etc.
  • Add possibility to automatically save states on exit, which are automatically loaded on startup, so you can start directly where you left off.


Windows binaries Slim/Full build is available from Phoenix GUI and it’s the recommended way to update RetroArch to save massive bandwidth (~1MB vs ~15MB). Do note that if you have old SSNES-Phoenix, you will not be able to update directly as paths have been changed around.

32-bit: (Full + Redist) 64-bit: (Full + Redist)

RetroArch 0.9.7

A new major release is out. It has been quite some time since 0.9.6 so the change log will be very condensed.

Consoles Consoles is where most of the work has happened. Squarepusher, ToadKing (Wii) and freakdave (XBox1) have done tremendous work to provide RetroArch on two new platforms, Wii and XBox1 (I guess it’s still not dead :P). While RetroArch ran on Wii earlier, it is now actually usable.

A concrete change log would be too long, for more detail, please read through the 800+ git commit log :wink:

PC/Core RetroArch’s core has received many minor changes. Mostly to accomodate console improvements, but some visible changes for PC users have also made it in.

  • Raspberry Pi port [ToadKing] (Linux, but requires custom drivers)

  • Screenshots are now taken from GPU backbuffer if possible. This means screenshots with shading effects for GL/D3D.

  • Screenshots are now compressed with png if compiled in. bmp fallback still exists.

  • Changed default screenshot key to F8.

  • D3D9 plugin was updated. It is available in redist.

  • Quickbuild build system (Linux/OSX/Unix) was greatly refactored [tukuyomi].

  • System directory was added. This is a directory which libretro implementations can use to load BIOSes, load/store system specific data, etc. RetroArch/Phoenix will now warn a user if this isn’t set correctly.

  • libretro implementations can now use ARGB8888 pixel format if supported by frontend. RetroArch PC ports supports this, but not on consoles for performance reasons.

  • Add ‘null’ drivers. These are used to do initial builds on new platforms without drivers.

  • Screensaver will be temporarily disabled on Linux if xdg-screensaver is present [ficoos].

  • RetroPad has been upgraded with two analog sticks. The joypad abstraction is now equivalent with a PlayStation 1 DualShock controller. Mostly currently useful for Mednafen PSX core.

  • DualAnalog can be enabled with --dualanalog/-A flags.

  • Add fixed-point sinc resampler. This allows resampler to remain fast on architectures with very slow FPUs. It will not be faster on modern CPUs.

  • Command interface has now been extended to allow use from stdin as well if enabled. This means a frontend can issue commands directly without use of hotkeys. It is also possible to use from a shell.

  • RETRO_KEYBOARD abstraction added. libretro implementations can now query the keyboard state directly. Mostly useful for systems that have a real keyboard.

  • Matrix calculation routines in GL drivers are now written from scratch. This is to enable use of GLES at a later time, which does not support fixed-function stuff.

  • Add more test cases to libretro-test, the small test implementation of libretro.

  • Games with FPS significantly above monitor FPS will now force RetroArch to disable vsync.

  • H264/RGB recording support is now always built in if FFmpeg is built in. ./configure --enable-x264rgb is no longer needed.


Windows binaries Slim/Full build is available from Phoenix GUI and it’s the recommended way to update RetroArch to save massive bandwidth (~1MB vs ~15MB). Do note that if you have old SSNES-Phoenix, you will not be able to update directly as paths have been changed around.

32-bit: (Full + Redist) 64-bit: (Full + Redist)

RetroArch 0.9.8-beta1

This is mostly a snapshot of progress from the last few months. The snapshot is meant for PC-users only, and only PC/core-related changes are displayed.

  • External Direct3D9 driver plugin was merged into RetroArch. It was tweaked to be feature-par with OpenGL driver.

  • Post-shader recording. Can now record “what you see” in GL and D3D drivers. This mode is naturally quite slow, but it is a frame correct Fraps replacement.

  • Custom scaling and pixel conversion routines are written in C and SSE2. This fixes broken colors in nearest-neighbor scaling that plagues libswscale. It is not a bug that can be easily fixed in libswscale sadly.

  • SDL software driver supports bilinear scaling. Due to custom scaling routines, the software driver is now an order of magnitude faster (YMMV) than before.

  • Default keybind for screenshots changed to F8.

  • Add --appendconfig option. Allows auxillary config stubs to be patched in on-the-fly. Mostly useful for CLI users.

  • SDL 1.3 support dropped (2.0 is incompatible with 1.3 anyways). Cleans up SDL code greatly.

  • RetroArch can now be built without SDL (on Linux and Windows) if desired.

  • Shader directories work for Cg/Cgp as well.

  • Clean up incompleteness in input drivers. All input drivers have full mouse support now.

  • Basic joypad “turbo” support added.

  • Windowed fullscreen options added for GLX, WGL and D3D9.

  • Multi-monitor support added for X11 and Windows.

  • X11 and Windows have RetroArch window icons now.

  • Add volume control. This replaces manual input rate tweaking, which was obsoleted by dynamic rate control.

  • Link against Cg on OSX if present.

  • Fix spurious crashes in resamplers if input rate is higher than output rate.

  • Fix savestate_auto_index regression.

  • Various bugfixes.


  • 0RGB1555 pixel format is deprecated in libretro API. RGB565 and XRGB8888 are now treated as “native”. The pixel format will be removed in a future libretro API bump. The rationale for this is that 0RGB1555 is generally a badly supported pixel format from a hardware point of view. It also causes severe slowdowns on certain drivers/cards.

OpenGL The OpenGL driver has been modernized and cleaned up a bit. Several noticeable features are in:

  • Full GLES 2.0 support. Raspberry Pi uses GL driver as default now.
  • Modern XML shader option. This is required for GLES 2.0, but also works on regular GL. It uses GL 2.x style attribute/varying instead of legacy GL.
  • OpenGL contexts are more flexible. Instead of only SDL, native support for GLX and WGL has been added. (OSX still uses SDL).
  • Desktop GL always uses 32-bit textures, this speeds up graphics on certain drivers by 10x.

Linux A couple of Linux specific features have been added.

  • KMS/OpenGL support. RetroArch is now able to run in OpenGL mode without X11/Wayland running. It talks directly with libdrm, libgbm and libEGL to provide a rendering context. This only works on open source drivers with KMS working, also requires a modern MESA 9.0+ stack installed. It has guaranteed triple buffered page flips, and fast forward with no tearing.
  • linuxraw input drivers for joypad is added.


Windows binaries Slim/Full build is available from Phoenix GUI and it’s the recommended way to update RetroArch to save massive bandwidth (~1MB vs ~15MB). Do note that if you have old SSNES-Phoenix, you will not be able to update directly as paths have been changed around.

Note that 0.9.8-beta1 introduces support for D3D9 and RetroArch now needs DirectX redists installed. If you get an error message that d3d9x_43.dll is not found, install the redist from Microsoft’s homepages. If you are running on a machine with reduced privileges, it usually works to copy over d3d9x_43.dll from somewhere else.

32-bit: (Full + Redist) 64-bit: (Full + Redist)

RetroArch 0.9.9-wip1

This is a work-in-progress release for Win/Linux/OSX. Major thanks to all involved.

Don’t have a full change log, some major things …

  • RGUI integrated on PC.
  • Rework to shaders, .glsl/.glslp formats added. There is now only one shader option instead of separate options for XML and Cg shaders.
  • If you start retroarch without arguments, RGUI will start automatically. If you have configured rgui_browser_directory, libretro_path accordingly, you might not need retroarch-phoenix anymore for day-to-day use.
  • Core-specific options in RGUI. You can now toggle core options on the fly. Few cores implement this yet, but the groundwork is there … Make sure to set core config path to have settings saved.
  • Lots of bugfixes.


  • libretro cores can render with OpenGL directly (can allow HW accelerated cores in the future). This is an experimental feature and not part of public API yet.
  • retroarch can load .zip files directly now (no need for retroarch-zip or phoenix to do that anymore).
  • Threaded video drivers. Can allow full speed game play if video driver cannot keep up otherwise. Will increase jitter a bit, so not recommended as default.
  • Rename cg2xml to cg2glsl to use the new .glsl format which is very similar to .cg structurally. Greatly improved compatibility with edge-case shaders.
  • Shaders can output to floating point framebuffers. Required for some shaders. Frame count uniform can also get a pre-applied modulo to simplify shader code a bit.
  • Add mouse grabbing (X11/Win32). Useful for libretro cores which rely on relative mouse input.
  • Add configurable input overlays. Can create touch based interfaces (already in use on Android).
  • Add basic disk swapping. Can swap disks in e.g Mednafen PSX (for multi-CD games).
  • Add (compile time) quality profiles for SINC resampler.

And some more stuff, but hard to go through … 1565 commits.

  • … And probably some regressions. This version has seen tons of refactoring to be more similar to consoles. There is bound to be some snags here and there …


Windows binaries Slim/Full build is available from Phoenix GUI and it’s the recommended way to update RetroArch to save massive bandwidth (~1MB vs ~15MB). Do note that if you have old SSNES-Phoenix, you will not be able to update directly as paths have been changed around.

Note that 0.9.8-beta1 introduces support for D3D9 and RetroArch now needs DirectX redists installed. If you get an error message that d3d9x_43.dll is not found, install the redist from Microsoft’s homepages. If you are running on a machine with reduced privileges, it usually works to copy over d3d9x_43.dll from somewhere else.

32-bit: (Full + Redist) 64-bit: (Full + Redist)

Warning to Windows users If you use RGUI, and notice strange colors or flickering or game image while using RGUI (in either OpenGL or D3D9), it is a known problem on my machine at least.


Does the SDL video driver is no more supported? If I use it I get immediately a crash. The same if start RetroArch without any arguments. The reason why I use SDL is, I have a older built-in graphic card (Nvidia GeForce4 440 Go) with pixel-shader version 1.2 support in my Notebook. The card doesn`t have a hardware emulation, OpenGL is too slow. So I can not use RetroArch´s Direct3D9/OpenGL video driver.

With the older versions of RetroArch like 0.9.8 I doesn´t have a problem with the SDL video driver on my WinXP Pro SP3 32-bit OS. The last version of DirectX 9.0 Redistributable is already installed.

It is. Fixed it. Was a simple one-liner. It’ll be in wip2. Note that RGUI is not supported in SDL (for time being at least).

Can you add an option to disable Shaders during the game, please? When I press F1 to open the ingame menu, I can change the shader, but I can’t find a way to disable it. Thanks!

Shader passes to 0, then apply shader changes …

ah, I see… Thank you very much.

RetroArch 0.9.9-wip2

This is a work-in-progress release for Win/Linux/OSX. Major thanks to all involved.

Since 0.9.9-wip1:

  • Fix crashes in SDL/XVideo on startup.

  • Fix flicker when using RGUI on OSX.

  • Fix RGUI flicker when using deprecated 15-bit cores.

  • Add joypad hotlogging and autoconfiguration to Linux.

  • Use linuxraw as default joypad driver on Linux.

  • Rework retroarch-joyconfig to be more useful for autoconfig and RGUI purposes.

  • Fix getopt_long usage bug causing spurious crashes on recent glibc.

  • Several additions and fixes to RGUI:

  • Fix SRAM directory/Save state behavior if custom directories are used

  • Add disk swapping

  • Add gamepad selection and libretro device selection to input config.

  • Add SRAM autosave option

  • Move video settings under “Video Options …”

  • Add “Load Game (History)” option.

  • Don’t require zip extension to be set in libretro cores for zips to show up in file browser (fixed in libretro cores in Git).

  • Add RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SUPPORT_NO_GAME environment to libretro for cores which do not use a ROM.


Windows binaries Slim/Full build is available from Phoenix GUI and it’s the recommended way to update RetroArch to save massive bandwidth (~1MB vs ~15MB). Do note that if you have old SSNES-Phoenix, you will not be able to update directly as paths have been changed around.

Note that 0.9.8-beta1 introduces support for D3D9 and RetroArch now needs DirectX redists installed. If you get an error message that d3d9x_43.dll is not found, install the redist from Microsoft’s homepages. If you are running on a machine with reduced privileges, it usually works to copy over d3d9x_43.dll from somewhere else.

32-bit: (Full + Redist) 64-bit: (Full + Redist)

Thank you, this is getting better and better!

Will use the 64bit win version until i get Ubuntu on my pc to test the joypad autoconf. Also, the History of roms setting the core automatically is damn good.

Nice job, waiting those new cores to start testing also :smiley:

Best regards,

Is it possible to add a new line* in the configuration file (.cfg) for the retroarch.exe path? I´m using the RetroArch Phoenix (RGUI doesn´t work with SDL) to switch (browse retroarch config file) between the different configuration files.

libretro-git-genplus-x86.cfg example:

video_driver = “sdl” audio_driver = “dsound” libretro_path = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/libretro-git-genplus-x86.dll” *retroarch_path = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/retroarch098.exe” stdin_cmd_enable = “true” video_h264_record = “true” audio_out_rate = “44100” system_directory = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/System/” video_windowed_fullscreen = “false” cheat_database_path = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/Cheats/Cheats.xml” screenshot_directory = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/Screenshot/” video_smooth = “false” audio_latency = “128” phoenix_last_rom = “C:/Emulator/MegaDrive/Games/MegaCD Games/Dragon’s Lair (U)/Dragon’s Lair.cue”

The reason why I ask is following:

If I use the combination retroarch.exe 0.9.9 (wip1/wip2), libretro-git-genplus-x86.dll, SDL video driver, SDL/DirectSound audio driver I have a heavy crackling audio sound. It seems I have this with genplus libretro only.

If I use the combination retroarch.exe 0.9.8, libretro-git-genplus-x86.dll, SDL video driver, SDL/DirectSound audio driver the audio sound is OK.

So I prefer to use retroarch 0.9.8 if I use the genplus libretro. For the other libretros I use retroarch 0.9.9

What I think would be a really nice feature (but I’m sure would be a PITA to implement) is configure the ROM directories in such a way so that if you load a Megadrive ROM, it loads the directory for those ROMs if you choose that emulator core. I guess what I’m trying to say is, it would be nice if RetroArch automatically matched the ROM directory with a specific emulator core. That way, changing ROMs between systems will be a lot less of a hassle.


Choose snes9xnext.dll --> RetroArch asks you to choose the ROM directory–> Load a ROM, emulator remembers a specific directory for a specific core permanently.

Are you using bilinear in SDL? Because I think that was implemented in 0.9.9 and it’s going to be really slow in 32-bit build (no SSE2). Also, try to use threaded video (video_threaded = true, it’s not in Phoenix yet).

Anyways, patches welcome in Phoenix …

If you mean the bilinear filtering for the SDL video driver, no. It doesn’t matter whether it is enabled or disabled. No any improvements with video_threaded = true

video_driver = “sdl” video_threaded = “true” audio_driver = “dsound” libretro_path = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/libretro-git-genplus-x86.dll” stdin_cmd_enable = “true” video_h264_record = “true” audio_out_rate = “44100” system_directory = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/System/” video_windowed_fullscreen = “false” cheat_database_path = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/Cheats/Cheats.xml” screenshot_directory = “C:/Emulator/MultiSystem/RetroArch/Screenshot/” video_smooth = “false” audio_latency = “128” phoenix_last_rom = “C:/Emulator/MegaDrive/Games/MegaCD Games/Dragon’s Lair (U)/Dragon’s Lair.cue”

What I think would be a really nice feature (but I’m sure would be a PITA to implement) is configure the ROM directories in such a way so that if you load a Megadrive ROM, it loads the directory for those ROMs if you choose that emulator core. I guess what I’m trying to say is, it would be nice if RetroArch automatically matched the ROM directory with a specific emulator core. That way, changing ROMs between systems will be a lot less of a hassle. I.E Choose snes9xnext.dll --> RetroArch asks you to choose the ROM directory–> Load a ROM, emulator remembers a specific directory for a specific core permanently.