Retroarch settings not saving

Hey! I can’t get any settings to save at all on retroarch on multiple computers. video settings are what i’m really after, output resolution but ive realised that no other settings save either.

Surely I’m missing something very basic?

Thk u. Chris.

RetroArch typically saves settings on exit, so quitting RetroArch through the menu is one way to do it (the one I usually use) but there’s also main menu > configuration file > save current configuration

I’ve been having this issue too. Mine was caused by having a “core specific override”. When there’s an override, RA doesn’t seem to change the settings.

Yes, this is known, intended behavior to avoid overrides’ settings from getting written to the main config.

Hi again. Thank you for your suggestions. I think (from another of your comments hunter) that the problem was that I had it set to windowed full screen. When I’d change the resolution in RA it worked for that play only and then would revert back to the desktop set screen res.

Windowed full turned off and it remembers the res I set. Does that sound right?

Cheers. Chris.

Sure, as long as it’s working now :slight_smile:

Thank you. I’ve run into some more weird stuff to do with video settings and the two video cards in my laptop. I’ll play around with it but I think I’ll make another topic it I can’t work it out of find an existing post on it.