Retroarch shader SLANG no CRT no Blurry Help?

Hello how are you guys doing? I’m looking for a shader that i cant find, maybe because of the lack of knowledge on it.

I dont like CRt shaders at all, i dont want to use anything that changes the colors of the games. What i’m looking for a a shader that can make it less pixelated on my lcd 39 pol screen, i mostly play arcade 2d games like naomi and fbneo stuff. Some shaders seem to not work at all, i see no difference, i cant find something that could please me, some anti alising ones are too blurry.

tips on what i can use specially for fighting games?

Waiting to hear from you.

Thanks in Advance

If you want a core’s video output with no changes except for scaling to the screen in a way that keeps the pixels rectangular, crisp, and the right size, try the “controlled_sharpness” shader (it’s in the “interpolation” directory). Play with the “sharpness” parameter and it’ll be obvious how to set it where you want it. Have fun, hope this works for you!

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-Thank you so much for your answer, i’m going to try it right now

Its nice but its too pixelated for me, i’m expecting something a little more sharper than 4x soft.

Maybe i could edit it to make it look nicer?

Gotta admit, I’m a little confused. If “sharper” isn’t the same as “pixellated”, what sort of look are you going for?

If you want something to turn the stair-step edges into smooth lines and curves while keeping the edges crisp, the “scalefx” and “omniscale” shaders might be up your alley.

Also, check out – select “For Users” in the menu at the left, then “Shader Library”. It’s a list of shaders with zoomed-in examples of each… though it’s an incomplete list and some shaders look much better in motion than in still images. At least it should help you point out what sort of effect you want.


That’x exactly what i was looking for!

Thank you so much!

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