Retroarch Shader very Slow?

Hello everyone

when I change shader retroarch is slow with my ODROID C1 card?

I tried the Lakka distribution and everything works as it should when I change shader, and I select the same shader.

I imagine that there is a configuration to do but I do not know if someone can tell me how not to have to issue, ca would be really nice.

I am android 4.4.2 and RetroArch-armv7-v1.0.0.1-r30 ( I use this version as there are all the cors I want and there is no new FBA. )


No clue. If it’s not working in an old, no-longer-supported version but works in a new one, I would suggest using the new one instead. You can always delete unused cores just by removing them from /data/data/com.retroarch


I can access the directory: /data/data/com.retroarch but can not copy it to my USB drive

I just want to recover the core FBA to copy it to the new version retroarch

I have root permission to explore the software

Have you tried the nightlies from They have a core downloader that will let you fetch only the cores you want/need.

Just make sure you uninstall your old version before installing a nightly or there may be conflicting config files laying around that can mess things up.

[QUOTE=hunterk;20938]Have you tried the nightlies from They have a core downloader that will let you fetch only the cores you want/need.

Just make sure you uninstall your old version before installing a nightly or there may be conflicting config files laying around that can mess things up.[/QUOTE]


Yes I tried, there is everything I need, it is even perfect for cors are downloaded directly from retroarch but unfortunately the joystick does not work with this distribution.

I have set up the controller as I do on other retroarch version, but does not.

Player 1 Custom Binds

detect A-B-X-Y UP-DOWN

LEFT-RIGHT-SELECT START ok to validated.

When I’m in the game nothing is working on another version of retroarch everything works but there is not the core FBA, I know what to do: s

Just unlucky

ps: GamePad XBOX 360 and GamePad Bluetooth

Start up a game and, using an overlay, go into the in-game RGUI menu. From there, go to settings > input settings. Make sure autodetect is enabled and then go down to ‘bind all’ and see if it will accept your button assignments.

thank you, actually the joystick works like this.

I activated the shader and with this version it works without any slowdown. :smiley:

The only regret is that every time I have to redo everything because I do not know where is the backup configuration, I will seek.

Again thank you for everything and I hope that the final version will be out soon with the set directly from the Andoid menu because it is much simpler for girls ^^

Sweet. I’m glad you got it working :slight_smile:

Thank you for your help. :smiley: