Retrorama for XMB

Hello, I’ve finished the theme, hope you enjoy it

You can preview it here:


Hi, do you have any screenshots?

added a preview video :slight_smile:


Great and superlative work…congratulations. If you want, add some missing Emus including: Neo GeoCD PS1 PS2 GameCube Wii Sega Saturn Atari Jaguar TaoPlan (Shooters) 3DO


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Awesome job! I checked some of your works on insta and your style and technique are great, mixing old and new in a fresh way!

well done! :star_struck:

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…uhmmm Too bad I can’t install it on my NVidia Shield Pro or FireStick 4K MAX…because on andorid you can’t access the assets/xmb folder


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The retro aesthetic is amazing, very harmonious, are the illustrations yours?

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Yup, most of the drawings was made for the emulatiostation theme

In RetroArch it looks better. :sweat_smile:

I saw the overlays, they look great too. You are very talented, thanks for sharing it with us.


Hi Lipebello! Great WORK!! It’s awesome!!.. In my RETROARCH can’t see the fonts how see in the preview video… I copied everything is explained in the github project but not work… Can you do the D.O.S backround please? Thanks in advance!!! Regards

  • Retroarch 1.15.0
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These boxarts look great too, where can i get them?

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Epale @Iguaneitor
The fonts are changed in the RetroArch menu:
Settings » User Interface » Appearance...

Download this ZIP file from the link and follow the steps indicated in the guide.


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Hello! Alexb3d! Thanks for your answer… I already know how to change the font and stuff… what I say in my post is that my RETRORAM does not look like it does in the demo… the FONT is the same as in the video but On my retroarch these cover the images when I go to full screen. On the other hand, what “HudsonRHTT” indicates is about the thumbnail images. That in the video you can see the CDs or the console.

“tarde pero seguro”

In my system they are fine. A screenshot to see what’s wrong would be nice. Anyway, check that you have the Scale Factor set to 1.00x.

Apparently the boxart thumbnails weren’t on the github, but I have a feeling @lipebello already figured it out. It is being updated at this very moment.

By the way Filipe, maybe it would be convenient to put in the guide that you have to activate this option so that ‘bg.png’ is activated.

And the playlists are not very practical to share. They save the paths of the roms, if I have my roms in another folder it doesn’t work, same yes as if I use a different OS.

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No me digas que hablas ESPAÑOL??? Y yo traduciendo todo… jajaja…

Ok… Yes! Lipebello uploaded the THUMBS!!! Great news…

My problem (the font) look like this:

@lipebello if you read this… please create a DOS BG please!! Thanks for all you work!!

Regards to all!

Algo hablo, soy venezolano. ggg
Pero este foro es en ingles y hay que mantener el formato, si quieres algo puntual, hay una sección de español dedicada en International.

Your sources look exactly the same as the video. If you don’t want it to take up so much space, you can lower the scaling, or remove the playlist tags.

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Thank you for your theme !

It has been added to Lakka 5.0 :wink:

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hi . why is not geolith core in lakka ?

hi . why is not geolith core in lakka ?

Please continue the discussion in the correct topic.

Thank you.

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Hi, is this still worked on? There are still some systems without a dedicated background and/or thumbnails, I’d like to know if we’ll see any update in the future, if possible. Thank you for your work, it’s much appreciated