Riecast issues on my laptop

I’m getting an error while loading content. I load core then try to load content and I get file couldn’t load. I looked on the cmd screen and the plug-in didn’t load.

I have a laptop with on board Intel graphics card 620, not sure if that is the issue it not.

The only PSX core that I can get to work is the Beetle/Mednafen, the other two crash just like the Dreamcast one. I checked the core information and it says the bios is loaded.

I’m out of options, any suggestions?

I am able to run Nes , Snes, GBA, PSX with no issue.

No one?!? :frowning:

Reicast and beetle-psx issues are both usually caused by BIOS problems or bad dumps/cue sheet issues. For Reicast, you need a ‘dc’ directory inside your ‘system’ directory and your BIOS files go in that ‘dc’ directory.

Also, be sure to try a few different games, as sometimes they just don’t work for other reasons.

OK thanks for the info, I had already done so but redid it anyways and got it running but now I getting crazy framerate drop. It is going down into the low 20s in fullscreen and for some reason I can’t get it to load into windowed mode anymore. I’ve tinkered and played with it so much I think I have messed some of the settings up. Marvel Vs C2 loads but is laggy so I tried Sonic Adventure and it boots and then frame rate drops so much it loads black screen. Is there a way to reset Retroarch and I start over or some settings I should check?

All of RetroArch’s settings are in your retroarch.cfg file. You can try moving it somewhere else and RetroArch will make a new one fresh for you. If that doesn’t fix your problem, you can just move your old one back.

Same goes for the retroarch-core-options.cfg file, which holds the cores’ settings.

I tried that and it fixed my windowing issue. I can now play in window mode or full screen.

It didnt fix the major slowdown I’m having with Dreamcast content. I’m going to try a couple more but until I figure something out Dreamcast games are unplayable.

Also the new config won’t let me load my save states. Do you know how to fix this?

I can replace the old config and save states load but then can’t switch to windowed mode.