Run-Ahead causes black/blank screen

Hi All… looking for help.

I have a pretty powerful system. i7-4790K, 32 GB memory, RX580 Card.

First off… I have everything working in RA. Every core… all games.

However, I am trying to setup up run-ahead to remove latency. The problem is that whenever I enabled it, and set it to 2 frames, when I restart the game… all I get is a black screen. If I turn it off, then restart the game, it boots fine.

This is in BSNES core with my modified core settings, as well as just using the stock core settings.

Any help would be appreciated.

bsnes core is an oddball and uses its own runahead that you can set via core option. It’s incompatible with RetroArch’s runahead.

Thanks. That fixed it. I had to update the core, since the version I had did not have that option.

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