Hi I can use with success the run ahead feature on regular neogeo fbneo cores with success even with 4 number setting. But I try the same settings on the sub system neogeo cd and have crackling audio and lower framerate. I Have to activate the 2nd instance but even with this, I encounter audio crackling. If I desactivate run ahead, all is fine. I don’t understand why the same core haven’t got the same behaviour between his system ? It is a limitation of sub system or is there any setting to apply? Thanks for your help. Regards
FBN and MAME have different properties for each driver. Runahead netplay may work with some families of games but then breaks with others.
ok thanks but I use only fbneo even for regular roms of classic neogeo and the run ahead feature run like a charm. only neogeo cd content with sub system doesn’t work well with the run ahead feature althought it use the same core fbneo. weird no ?
Neogeo and Neogeo CD are different systems, and, as such they have different capabilities within the core.
Ok thanks again, my only alternative is to wait the neocd core witch isn’t available for now on builtbot.