Satellaview / BS-X with bsnes?

I can’t seem to be able to launch any bsx game with bsnes_mercury. I tried to do it the same way super gameboy works and many other methods, nothing.

Has anyone been successful?

Would it be possible to make GB and BSX games launch directly in retroarch GUI with the different bios copied in the system folder, like other emulators?

I have the exact same issue. Is it possible to play Satellaview at all on RA, maybe with another core?

I’ve gotten a few games to load, those roms are super finnicky though. There’s a number of them I haven’t been able to boot, and some that do I can’t really do anything with.

It might be because I’m loading them up through RocketLauncher into RA… I can’t get Super GameBoy to work that way at all, so I know I’m doing something different than the CLI commands or w/e.

Here’s the command from RL that get’s pushed to RA on my setup for a working game (Mario ExciteBike 4)

Process.Run - Running: W:\Emulators\RetroArch - ALT\retroarch.exe “W:\Games\Consoles\Nintendo Super Entertainment System\Satellaview\Sound Link\Excitebike - Bunbun Mario Battle - Stadium 4 (JP) (BS SoundLink).sfc” -f -c “W:\Emulators\RetroArch - ALT\retroarch.cfg” -L "W:\Emulators\RetroArch - ALT\cores\snes9x_libretro.dll

I tried BSNES Mercury, but no go, SNES9x is what I have setup

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Yeah, I’ve been trying to get the Kirby’s Toy Box games up & running and only SNES9x seems to be the only core to play them.

I know this topic is a little old but has any progress been made on using BSNES to run satellaview (bsx) and/or Sufami Turbo games? I tried several games but I couldn’t get anything to work.

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Nope, but I could play Sufami Turbo games with Snes9x.
No-intro set .sfc roms aren’t working but .smc do work with it.

What’s the difference? I thought they were just file extensions to make it so everything wasn’t .bin