Save/Load States

Hello everyone. I am curious if there is a way to have more than 1 save state and more than 1 load state per game? I would like 3 if at all possible. Some other emulators have slots 0-9 which you can choose which slot is being save/loaded to/from by hitting the corresponding number and then saving/loading. Anything like this? Or is only 1 save/load per game possible?

Thank you

In the quick menu, where it says ‘state slot’, you can increment it to a new slot as many times as you want/need and in settings > saving, there’s an option called savestate auto index that should increment to a new slot each time you save. That is, it will never overwrite your savestates; it’ll just move on to the next slot.

I do not want to have increments forever. I just want to create 3. That way I have a few for each game for the hard parts. Is this possible with your method?

bumpity bump bumpbumpity bump bump look at frosty goooo

He just laid out for you how you can accomplish what you want to do. If you only want 3, then don’t use the autosave index, and don’t manually change slots more than 3 times.

You can also configure in input/hotkeys special keys (I have mine set to F5=Save, F6=Load, F7=decrease slot,F8=increase slot).

[QUOTE=Typhon;52957]He just laid out for you how you can accomplish what you want to do. If you only want 3, then don’t use the autosave index, and don’t manually change slots more than 3 times.

You can also configure in input/hotkeys special keys (I have mine set to F5=Save, F6=Load, F7=decrease slot,F8=increase slot).[/QUOTE]

There is no way to save directly to slot 1, slot 2, and slot 3? I was never a fan of using separate keys to change slots. My other emulators are setup up something like, Shift+F1 = save slot 1, Shift+F2= save slot 2, F1 = load slot 1, F2 = load slot 2

Not without some sort of macro or ingenuity on your end, no. Is it really too much effort to hit an extra key at the most, twice?

But on a hunch… are you trying to do something with HyperSpin or RocketLauncher?

Yes, I am trying to setup the save/load states within the Pause menu in Rocketlauncher.

I do not understand how I would write the “script” for that. Here is my script for Sega Saturn save/loads in Mednafen…

Pause_Save_State_Keys={1 down}{1 up}{F5 down}{F5 up} | {2 down}{2 up}{F5 down}{F5 up} | {3 down}{3 up}{F5 down}{F5 up} Pause_Load_State_Keys={1 down}{1 up}{F7 down}{F5 up} | {2 down}{2 up}{F7 down}{F7 up} | {3 down}{3 up}{F7 down}{F7 up}

As you can see, hitting 1 selects that slot and then F5 saves to that slot. Hitting 1 selects that slot and then F7 loads that slot. In Retroarch you cannot (from what I understand) directly select a slot to save to. I do not believe I would be able to program in increase/decrease slot.

Your googling skills suck, my friend. , read the whole thing but the post you are most interested in is at the bottom.

Also, do save states even work in the Mednafen Saturn core? I haven’t tried it in a while but last time I did they weren’t working yet.

Edit: Oh, you mean standalone Mednafen.

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Hmm, apparently they do suck. Usually I can find just about anything. I even looked on the RL forum. Anyways… thank you, that worked wonderfully. I thought about it for days and days and couldn’t come up with a solution. This guy (and you for that matter) is a real problem solver.

Glad I could help.

this forum is so stupid you cant even write a new topic if your a new memeber… and they dont explain how long you have to wait or anything. fail site

It’s an anti-spam measure, and it takes like 10 min of being logged in before you can make threads.

Hello there. I am confused how to post something as I have just joined. I have a question, I tried to post it in the most relevant section as I have no ability to post a new question/topic:

So I have retro arch installed in my pc. The scanner found my games. However, when I open a game I am prompted to pick an emulator to run the game. The issue that I have is that if I pick the wrong emulator, it is forever 'linked" to that emulator unless I delete the entire playlist for the particular emulator and start again. Is there a way to either only show emulators that will successfully run the content, or somehow run the game with a particular emulator in a “trial mode”? Another option would be that if the game is not successful in loading that retro arch allows the user to pick a new emulator.

If there is an admin watching, please feel free to place my post in an appropriate area of the forum as this is somewhat unrelated to this current thread.

Thanks all!

When you first make the playlist, you can go into settings > playlist and assign a core to the playlist and I think that will keep it from getting stuck. That is, you should be able to go back in and change it later if that core doesn’t work out.

If that doesn’t work (I don’t use the playlists much, so I’m not 100% on top of them), your best bet is to just use the load core > load content workflow while you’re testing and only launch from the playlist once you’ve figured out which core you want to use.

I don’t mind picking the emulator that I want to run the content. I have noticed after using the software for several months that some titles run better on other emulators. An improvement to the software would be to either disable (or dim) emulators that the ROM will definitely not run (during the picking process) or have an option to make the pick not permanent unless the user goes through an additional step.

The typical behavior is to only show up as a choice if the file format is compatible with the core. This gets hairy, though, for super-generic file formats like bin/cue, ISO and zip.

It just shouldn’t be this complicated.

I LOVE the fact that I can breeze through all my games while looking at the game jackets. But there should be an option where you can either disassociate a game with a non-preferred emulator, or require an additional step to “lock in” an emulator.

Is this where I can put up let’s say a $200 bounty for a person to change the code whereas a wrong emulator choice is easily undone by clicking a few buttons on the menu as opposed to deleting the whole entire playlist file. There should also be a default option where games that are DOA with “failed to load” messages do not marry with incompatible emulators.

I have several games whereas 7-10 emulator choices pop up with a single title. I am sure that I am not the only one who is having this issue.

Sure, you could put a bounty up for it if you like. You are asking for a few different things, though, so you might have more luck busting them up into individual bounties.

For the 7-8 cores being offered, that’s just a fact of the file extensions all being the same. I’m not sure what we’re could be done about that.