Save States not Working Properly in 1.9.6 64 Bit

When I Press Save State I have it on Number 1 but after I press Save State the Slot Jumps to 3 and when I try and load the Save State it does not work on that slot so have to Set it what you Used Before hand and IF you try and Save State again the Jump Happens again.

Quite Annoying so I how can I fix it or it that a Big in Retroarch version 1.9.6

I tried Different Cores and same thing happens

Maybe you could try a different nightly?

Works fine on my end in Windows 10

I had Increment Save State Index Automatically set to on. Don’t know how as I have not even heard of this option so Don’t know why it Changed to On. Had samething happens to change to Option to on with FPS without touching anything