Save states won't work

When I hit the button for saving states (or do it from the menu) nothing happens. No errors, nothing like I didn’t hit the buttons. Same problem for the saving and the loading-key/menu entry. I already tried changing the keys and permissions for the folders are correct (I also changed those to be more permissive and set them to different folders). Saving the sram works though. I tried to activate the logging but I have no real idea where to search for the logs (and I find nothing in the systemd-journal) and I also started retroarch from the cli in the hope that stdout will show me some information but nothing there. What could be the problem?

Ubuntu 16.04, Retroarch 1.3.6 installed from the ppa. The problem occurs with all cores I tried.

Launch from CLI with --menu --verbose and it will print more to stdout. You can redirect that to a file, if you like.

Thanks. I get exactly nothing when I hit the state-buttons.

That’s what I got as output while retroarch was running:

save states works just fine over here. that’s why should NOT use Ubuntu… Using ParrotSec OS (pentesting distro)

a) libretro offers a ppa with packages for Ubuntu and Mint. Thus I’d say it is tested best with those LInux-distros b) I am not a pentester, why should I use a specialized pentesting-distro for my daily home use? c) If I would be a pentester, my pentesting-distro would either run from a USB-stick or in some VM - probably in QubesOS would then be my choice because the job would bring inherent risks with it that the advantages of QubesOS outweigh its disadvantages…