Saving storage space with zip/7zip?

I’m trying to save as much storage space as possible, as was wondering if Retroarch can “look” inside zip folders containing zipped roms, without having to extract the main zip to get to them (.zip>.zip>.sfc)? In Windows you can copy files from inside a zip without actually having to extract that zip, and I was wondering if Retroarch can do the same?

I was even thinking of using 7zip compression on zipped .n64 roms, but I’m not sure how 7zip works on Android. I don’t really want to extract 11GB onto a device with only 3GB storage remaining.

I tried to get RA to read zips inside zips, but it attempted to extract the whole folder which resulted in force-closing. Oh well.

Correct. RetroArch can load ROMs from inside archives but it can’t load compressed ROMs from within archives.